The Perfect Pumpkins {Staheli Family Farm}

Every year, we take a trip to Staheli Family Farm in St. George, Utah with our besties, the Sebastians. This year, Noah started football and has a game every Saturday. Since the farm isn't open on Sundays, we had to go without them and decided to make a second trip once his season ended (even if it was after Halloween). We were bummed that they had to miss it, but we got to bring my sister, Allison and her boyfriend Alex, and Grammy and Chase even came. We had a great time, and since we went earlier in the season this year, there weren't as many people, and we got THE BEST selection of pumpkins. If you're looking for something to do this month, take a trip up there. We highly recommend this wonderful place!

The first thing we saw when we arrived were cows. Lots of them! Grace wanted to take a picture with them, but Charley wasn't too sure about it.

We stopped by the wagon to snap a quick family picture, since we knew we would be having too much fun the rest of the day to stop.

We grabbed a quick bite to eat, and of course, Char went right for the candy. She got Mommy's sweet tooth, for sure.

We sat at the table, and the girls loved that there were pumpkins all over them. This place has the most delicious chicken fingers with fries and some amazing fry sauce.

While we waited for our lunch, Char wanted to play by the hay bales.

As soon as sister saw her, she had to join in.

Charley shared her fries with Chase, and then checked to make sure he was liking them. After we fueled up, we were finally ready to get to playing.

First up was the horse swings. Charley was too afraid of them, but Gracie loved it and rode around forever.

The kiddos had fun playing in the Staheli club house.

They found the rubber duck races and there was no getting them to leave. They loved pumping the water to make the ducks swim faster. This is one of our favorite spots on the farm!

(Gahhhh...those overalls!)

We finally talked the kids into moving on to the slides. They had fun playing in the corn each time they came down.

Next up was the farm animals. We hung out with a giant turkey (he totally had me thinking Thanksgiving), and the girls got to pet the cutest cow. I've never really thought cows were cute before, but this little guy was just precious.

They spotted the pillow jumper, and it was on. The girls had a blast jumping and running all over the place and finally talked us into getting up there, too.

Once we were all jumped out, we had to check out the donkey that kept calling us over. He had the sweetest face, too. Such a cutie!

The girls rode the seesaw while we waited for the hay ride to the pumpkin patch. Charley didn't know what to expect at first and then loved playing with sister once Daddy showed her how to do it.

We rode the wagon up the hill to the pumpkin patch and instantly spotted the perfect pumpkins.

The girls had fun picking out their own, but Charley truly loved it. She was in her zone and filled the wagon up with as many little pumpkins as she could find.

We hauled all of our pumpkins back to the car (Two enormous ones, four huge ones, and four medium sized with a few small ones and gourds thrown in, and our total was only $60! What a deal!), and decided that it was time to head home since Nebraska was playing at 5:00. Grace loved playing witch in the car, while Charley slept with her little gourd the whole way home.

We're really hoping to make another trip up there this season. It's seriously so much fun to hang out on the farm all day, and the girls have the best time every single year! If it doesn't happen, we'll definitely be back next year. Thanks, Staheli's, for another successful trip with some great memories (and pumpkins) for us to take back home!

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