Last Week...

...we stopped by a Halloween store where Grace firmly decided that her and Char would be Elsa and Anna for Halloween. I tried explaining that EVERY other kid in the world was being that, but she was adamant. Baby gets what baby wants. After picking out some of their Halloween stuff, they were terrified of this little doll circling around the store that was the same height as Char, and then this spider scared them, and they were ready to head home.

...Monday afternoon we played with the Sebastians, and JJ and Char were so cute copying each other's every move (and scream).

...Tuesday afternoon, we met the Luks at Hidden Falls Park near our house. The kids had a blast running amok all over the place and getting soaking wet on the last water day of the season. (City of Henderson shuts the splash pads down at the end of September each!)

...Toodles snuggled with his girls while they slept.

...someone brought this devil of a cake into our office. It was so heavenly delicious, but also so horrifying, since you wanted to grab a bite or two every time you walked by.

...Char snuggled with me while we watched Hocus Pocus before bed.

...I got a new lens for my Canon last Christmas, and I haven't really gotten the chance to use it. I decided to play with it out front and really loved the pictures it took. They were so crisp and clean, but it doesn't zoom in or out, which is rough when trying to take pictures of kids running around. I'm on the hunt for something like a 24-70 f/2.8 that isn't $2,000. (Let me know if anyone has one for sale, even if it's used, I'll take it!)

(This girl is a DI-VA!)

...we watched some ants carry food back to their home, which was pretty interesting. The girls enjoyed following them and seeing how much you can accomplish when you work as a team. Then they went inside, and Daddy demolished the ant hill. I actually felt kind of bad afterwards.

...we met Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig for dinner at Grimaldi's in Boca Park. The girls couldn't get enough of the fountain out front and had fun playing with their pizza dough.

...we went to more Halloween stores where Isaac tried this on. I can't even remember the name, but he couldn't believe I didn't know who/what it was?? We all tried on silly hats, and Charley hated everything, since she was so terrified of the screams and things jumping out at her.

...we spent Satuday at Staheli Family Farm and had so much fun!!

...Sunday was obviously football day and Charley was so pumped that Jake Locker was back in action.

...she played with Eric and Ariel, and was impersonating Buzz telling Woody that he's broken. Then she dropped her and said, "Oh, No! Ariel, what happened?" and had Eric telling her, "I save you!". It was adorable.

...the girls played Duck, Duck, Goose with Daddy.

...we went to the mall with Auntie Elisha. Grace posed for a picture in her usual fashion, while Charley could care less about taking pictures, in her usual fashion. the mall, Auntie took the girls to Build-a-Bear where they got a fancy Aurora cat and Leonardo. They had so much fun and have taken these guys to school every day since. Thanks, Auntie!!

...we watched football all afternoon, and Charley had a runny nose and wanted to snuggle while she napped. I don't think she was feeling very well. Poor kiddo!

That's all for now! See ya next week :)

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