Last Week...

...Monday was spent playing outside with our neighbor friends. It's been gorgeous around here lately, and the kids have been playing baseball in front of the house every single afternoon. Can't get much better than that!

...Tuesday night was spent doing laundry and packing, because we had an early flight to Omaha Wednesday morning. Isaac's Papa Taylor passed away after fighting Lewy Body Dementia. As soon as it happened, we booked our flights to head out there to be with the family and celebrate his life together.

...we ate Cinnabon for breakfast at the airport, climbed on turtles, and watched movies while we waited for our plane.

...the girls were great on the plane and everyone napped in between movies.

...Isaac and I enjoyed beers instead of napping.

...we had a layover in Phoenix, so the second flight consisted of more naps and movies, but the girls still did awesome.

...once we landed and got our rental car, we headed straight for Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's house. We knew that this would be the only time we got with them, so we wanted to get in as much as we could. The girls had a blast playing with their cousins and taking in the chilly Nebraska air (and ginormous bugs!).

...more cousins, aunts, and uncles arrived, and we spent the night catching up and watching the kiddos have fun with one another. It was so great to see them all, and I really wish we would have had another week to spend with them!

...the next morning was super cold. We got ready and hung out on Grandma Sally's back porch watching the river. It's so peaceful here! We made our way to Uncle Mike and Aunt Susie's, but we stopped at Runza for lunch first, since it was one of Papa's favorites. Mike and Susie's we changed our clothes for the viewing and looked through old pictures while the kids had a great time running around the yard and playing with the dogs.

(Grandma Sally and Papa)

(Isaac and Papa)

(Baby Isaac and Zacarias with their mama - I especially love this one)

...we hung out at the church for a few hours to greet everyone that came to say good-bye to Papa. The girls did surprisingly well, and I was truly thankful for their iPads.

...after the viewing, we went back to Grandma Sally's for the night and looked through some more old pictures. They are so fun to go through, and she gave us some really great ones to take home with us. 

(Great Grandma Jennie with her friends and their babies)

(Grandma Sally)

(Great Grandpa Tony and Great Grandma Jennie)

(Grandma Sally and Papa)

...I could not get over how much this picture of Grandma Sunshine as a kid looked exactly like Charley. The resemblance is crazy!

...Friday was the funeral, and none of us were looking forward to it. It was a beautiful service, and although it was hard, it was also nice to see everyone and have them all together in one place. We all had lunch afterwards and spent some time consoling one another. OPPD, where Papa worked and retired from, brought out some of their big trucks to show love and support to Papa and the family.

...since the burial site was a couple of hours away, it wasn't until later that evening. We hung out at Grandma Sally's and played down by the river. The girls loved throwing rocks and playing in the leaves.

...soon, it was time to drive to Iowa, and we passed through a million small towns with corn fields all around. It was so awesome to see such a different lifestyle than we are used to.

...Grace took Daddy's sunflower seeds and ate them the whole way there.

...the cemetery was on a hill and was just beautiful. We said our final good-byes to Papa and he gave us the most beautiful sunset to enjoy as we drove back to Omaha.

...Saturday morning, the girls ate breakfast and played, while we took our time getting ready for the day.

...I forgot the battery for my Canon at home, so Uncle Mike ordered me one and had it overnighted. I got it on the last day, so you know I took a million pictures.

...once we were ready, we went to spend the rest of the day with the family at Mike and Susie's. We played and laughed and ate way more than we needed to.

...Uncle Mike started a fire, since it was chilly outside. Presley tried to blow it out for us and kept telling us it was hot. We spent the evening enjoying each other's company and keeping warm by the fire.

...Sunday morning, we had to be at the airport at 5:00am. Char was all about it - she's an early bird by nature. All three girls were good on the flights home, as well. They're such good kids.

...Sunday night, the Unertls came into town, so we met up with them, Karl and Linda, and the Sheleys for dinner at Lucille's. These are some of our favorite people ever, and I was so happy to have us all together! The babies are the cutest, and I got in lots of snuggle time with them both.

(Seriously, Camryn? You can't get any cuter!!)

It was a crazy, busy, fun, emotional week for us. See you next time!

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