Last Week...

...Isaac finished up a job at work that he designed, and it turned out beautifully. We are all really proud of this one as it is one of Sunstate's flagship jobs that we use to show other customers what we offer. He has been doing really well at work lately, becoming more involved in every aspect of the business, and I can't believe how great he is doing. He surprises me all the time when he is talking to people with everything that he has learned over the past couple of years, and he comes up with innovative ideas to help the work flow around here that amaze me. He's very creative in his designs, and is always on the look out for new things to try to throw in to blow the builders' socks off. So proud of this guy and all he is accomplishing lately!

...we watched Guardians of the Galaxy in bed after work, and the girls were cracking me up dancing to the music.

...Grace showed us what she made to wear for the pow wow they had at school during Thanksgiving week and was so proud of it.

...I got my nails done with a little Elsa flair in honor of our upcoming trip to Disneyland.

...Charley wore her cozy socks and couldn't believe that she had some just like mommy.

...the girls had dance class where Charley was especially cute and really into it this time. She's off and on since she's the youngest in her class, but when she feels like dancing, it's the cutest thing ever.

...she was cracking us up with her partner, because she really wanted to do all the moves.

...watching Charley practice her passe leaps had to be the greatest thing I've ever seen.

...Gracie always does well in her class, and Char and I took silly selfies while Grace danced away.

...they read the Nutcracker and practiced their Nutcracker dance routine, which Gracie loved. She had so much fun, and it was really cool, since we already had tickets to see it at The Smith Center in a few weeks before Christmas.

...Char watched the bigger girls dance through the curtain.

...we snuggled and watched Prep and Landing in bed after dance class.

...Thursday morning, we were off for Thanksgiving, so we attempted a Christmas card picture at the park. Charley wasn't really having it, but we got some cute pictures anyways. I was a little bummed, because we always take the picture for the card at the cabin, but we weren't able to go up this year.

...we headed over to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's for our only Thanksgiving dinner of the day. It was nap time for Char, so she wasn't feeling the pictures again. Poor kid.

...she napped for over two hours while the rest of us hung out. When she woke up, the girls played outside and got SO dirty.

...they ate a second meal after our delicious turkey dinner (It was seriously the best turkey I've ever had. Kim did a great job.) and made sure to drink the extra milk out of their bowls.

One place to go. Can you believe it? It was so nice to let the girls play all afternoon, and we ended up staying over there all evening hanging out and enjoying our time with the family without having to run amok all over the place. We did miss our other families, though, and are so thankful to have them all in our lives. 

...the girls watched their iPads while I relaxed on the couch just being thankful for living such a blessed life. I can't believe how much Isaac and I have in the way of health, family, friends, and happiness. I was truly thankful for everything in my life this Thanksgiving.

...we did a little Black Friday shopping, and since Thanksgiving had passed, it was officially time to get in the Christmas spirit. We got some great deals on Christmas gifts and had fun spending the day together.

...the girls got new blankets at Costco, and passed out in the car with them on the way home. We moved them into bed, and they didn't make a sound.

...once they woke up, we enjoyed some hot cocoa and watched Toy Story for the billionth time.

...Grace packed a box for college?

...the girls wrestled while watching movies.

...we went to the UNLV game with Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig and watched the Rebs kick some butt. I let Grace wear some red lipstick, and she couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror. She also worked on her Rebel free throw style and got it down pretty quickly.

...Sunday we headed to Cali where we met the Unertls for lunch and spent the day in Newport before heading to Disneyland.

Such a great week! See you next time.

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