Last Week...

...Daddy played Let's Go Fishin' with the girls. It's one of their favorites, and they like to see who can capture the most fish and hoard them and not let anyone else take them ever.

...Char got ready for bed with her princesses.

...the girls Mariota jerseys came in, and I got them the cutest Titans moccasins ever. They were custom ordered, and the lady also sent us two adorable matching headbands at no charge. Those are the best kind of headbands!

...Gracie sang a song from My Little Pony, and Char tried to keep up.

...we stopped by Poppa and Grandma's, and Poppa gave the girls ice cream cones to eat while they watched TV.

...they spent the evening jumping on the trampoline with Daddy and wore him out.

(Those giggles are the best!)

...Grace started sleeping at the top of the bed (as opposed to the foot of the bed where she typically sleeps), and the girls were back to their sweet cuddles sessions every night.

...Charley threw up at school Wednesday morning, and Grace begged me to bring her with us when I picked Char up. They got to spend the day in my office where we fed our pet bird, and Char snuggled with the filing cabinets as she napped. She never did throw up again.

...the girls new Whimsy Tail blankets came in, and they absolutely love them! These girls love mermaids, so I couldn't not get them when Jessica pointed them out to me. (Thanks, Jess!) They spent the evening reading their Bible (that they've been super into lately) while wearing their tails. Grace had Daddy buy her a kids interactive Bible on her iPad, and the girls love to read the stories with him before bed.

...Grace asked me to put on Uptown Funk, so she could practice for her dance recital the next day. I didn't remember them ever dancing to this song, but I went ahead and played it. Grace gave me a great show.

...nightly snuggle camp continued.

...Grace was more excited than I anticipated for her recital. She had been telling me how she wasn't sure she wanted to do it for the past couple of weeks. This girl got on stage and rocked it. She mastered her Flinstones dance, and she boogied to Uptown Funk for the finale. I'm bummed we didn't get it on camera, but at the end, she was blowing kisses to the crowd while the other kids just clapped away. Such a ham! She ended up loving it and definitely wants to do it again next year. I only got choked up two-three times during the whole show. I could not be more proud of this little nugget. We will get the dance video from the studio in a few weeks, and I cannot wait to show her how awesome she did.

...of course she was showered with flowers after the show.

...she had to get a pic with her dance bestie, Ashtynn. These girls are so sweet together, and her mom and I already registered them in the same class next year. We also got Char and Emersyn (Ashtynn's little sister) in the same class since they are the same age. So cute!

...Char and Presley loved on each other, and Char rode with her to meet us for lunch after the recital.

...we had fun at Yard House with the family sipping on some yummy drinks and laughing.

...Charley consumed the biggest bites of mac and cheese ever. It's easily her favorite food, and she can eat more of it in one sitting than any other kid I've ever seen.

...we spent Sunday at Cowabunga Bay water park with the Sebastians. The kids had so much fun, so I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time there this summer. The girls' dance friends encouraged us to get season passes, and we can't wait to meet up with them to play!

...Gracie ran into a couple of boys from school, and Daddy was not too happy when she gave them hugs. This girl...

...I think they went down these slides a hundred times that afternoon. We got them in the wave pool, but the girls weren't too sure of it, so we mostly hung out in Kids' Cove. The grown ups took turns going on some of the rides, and we had so much fun! I can't wait to go back already. the end of the day, we got Dole whips on our way out of the park. They were just as delicious as our friends raved about, and I'm sure I'll be getting them every time we go!

...after the water park, we went home to shower and then met Papa Craig and Grandma Sunshine for dinner. The girls had a sleepover at their house that night, and Char wore this adorable shirt that says "Are you moccing me?" with her matching moccs. I can't with this kid. She's just the cutest.

See you next week :)

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