Last Week...

...Monday, we stopped at Buffalo Wild Wings on the way home for dinner. The Women's World Cup was starting, and Grace knew just how to stand during the US national anthem.

...when we got home, she and Charley played in their bedroom.

...after half time, we were all really into the game and cheered the US on to a victory over Colombia. My little American girls were so cute!!

...Tuesday was Grace's official last day of Preschool. She wore the same outfit that she did on her first day, and looked so much older!

...Charley had gymnastics after school and did her first floor routine.

...Grace skipped her gymnastics class, because we had her preschool graduation that evening. It was so sad to see all of her friends that she's literally grown up with at this school getting ready to head to Kindergarten. Luckily, some of them will be staying, and she'll at least get to see them throughout the summer before they move on to their big kids schools.

...Mrs. Karla has been the greatest. Grace is her favorite, so she always gives her extra snacks at snack time and helps to teach her a little extra along the way. We were so lucky to have had her as Grace's teacher this year.

...Peyton and Kennedy have been Gracie's best friends at school. I'll be so sad to see them all going to different schools for Kindergarten in August! Peyton and Grace have played outside of school, so we'll be sure to keep in touch with her and her family so they can continue their sweet friendship.

...I made this little comparison photo of her first and last days of preschool. She grew SO much, not only physically, but this girl has gotten so smart. She really is like a little sponge and has learned more than I ever imagined this past year.

...I couldn't get over Char's lips as she watched movies on her iPad.

...Gracie snacked on graham crackers before bed.

...Toodles sat with her as she brushed her teeth. He really likes to be near them at all times, and it cracks me up. He totally thinks he's just another member of the family and does everything his girls do.

...I took a picture of Charley's growing hair that is finally long enough for braids. She may need a hair cut in the near future to straighten it out and, hopefully, help it grow even more.

...then Grace wanted a picture of her hair, of course.

...they wrestled with Daddy after bath time. One of their most favorite things to do.

...he also gave them what we call "elephant rides", because he is so big compared to their little legs. They all three giggled the entire time, which is like music to my ears.

...the babies cuddled in bed after playing so hard with Daddy.

...Charley had pajama day at school and wore her Buzz pajammies. She colored with sister when they got home.

...Toodles snuggled in bed with us and even took a selfie.

...Daddy watched the new Disney short Lava with the girls Saturday morning. If you haven't seen it yet, look it up. It's precious, and we all sing it constantly to one another.

(I lavaaaaa youuu!)

...we went out to the houseboat to enjoy the lake and found a momma duck with her five eggs up on top. It was so awesome to see her sitting there with them, and I really, really wanted to see one hatch!

...meanwhile, the girls had fun dancing and getting ready to go for a swim.

...we finally made it in the water, and it was so nice. We floated around for hours. Grace wasn't a huge fan of the water, but Charley was swimming all over the place like a little fish in her life jacket.

...we checked on our new duck friend one last time, but her eggs were still just eggs.

...Gracie vacuumed the back of the boat for Papa Rick.

...Isaac tried to feed the carp his toes on the way back to the car. They weren't interested.

...Gracie held Toodles, who is just massive these days.

...I got my nails done Sunday morning, and I LOVE how they turned out! Thanks, Tiff!!

...we went to the mall to spend Charley's Disney store gift cards, and she looked so sweet with her little purse and Hello Mess moccasins.

...the girls kept giggling in the back seat, and I found them giving each other kisses.

...we got ready in our best mermaid gear to head to Pirate Chase's 2nd birthday party.

...the kids had a blast in the jump house, playing on the slip 'n slide, going on treasure hunts, and getting Jake and the Neverland Pirates tattoos.

...we got Chase a Mickey golf set, and he had fun practicing his swing.

...his face here kills me. He also clearly loved the Buzz Lightyear gun that Uncle Isaac got for him.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Chase!! We love you!

...Char passed out when we got home. Poor kid was exhausted after missing out on her daily nap. Girl needs her beauty sleep to function properly.

...Grace played with the magnifying glasses that she got at Chase's party. Goofy girl!

See you next week for some Fourth of July fun!!

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