Last Week...

...the girls played with their Barbie Loves Beauty Styling Head. After doing her hair and make-up, Charley moved on to doing my hair and painting my nails.

...she tried getting her pajammies on by herself and got stuck.

...the girls were far more excited about riding in the new car this week. They still talk about how they really miss "Betsy" and talk about new families that she might belong to, and they've named the new car "Cherry". They crack me up.

...Grammy picked the girls up from school to take them birthday shopping, and of course, they stopped for ice cream.

...the girls had gymnastics again on Tuesday, and Charley was so cute practicing on the vault.

...Grace practiced cheer jumps and flips on the trampoline.

...we met the Unertls for dinner afterwards, before they went back to California. Charley wanted to hold Jakson, and he just kept going in for the kiss. It was so funny. Every few seconds he'd just turn around with an open mouth. I love seeing these kids together. We love these guys so much!

...Toodles slept in his usual spot - the top of Char's pillow.

...we met the family at Ventano to celebrate Papa Rick's birthday on Wednesday, and the kids had fun playing with one another. The girls insisted on wearing their new Aurora and Jasmine dresses that Grammy bought them the day before.

...Char was so tired and fell asleep the second she got in bed. Usually she will hand me her iPad and say "I'm tired, Mommy", but this night she just rolled over and went to sleep.

...I saw this on the wall outside Grace's class. All of the other kids said they wanted to be policemen, doctors, singers...not Grace. This girl wants to grow up and be a mermaid!

...Charley had farm week at school and made lots of cute animals.

...girl is getting really good at tracing her name, too. Now we need to work on writing it on her own.

...Grace made foot and hand print parrots at school.

...Charley flipped the switch and did Grace's make-up for a change. Grace wasn't too happy about it, but I made her give Char a turn.

...we went to see Inside Out on Friday. It was so cute. I swear I cried at ten different parts. Maybe my new favorite kids' movie.

...Saturday morning, we went to Hash House a Go Go for breakfast, and they gave the girls free hot chocolates.

...they insisted on playing on the tractor on the way out.

...the girls took turns singing their favorite songs in the car.

...I took Gracie to Build-a-Bear for her friend Peyton's fifth birthday party. She had such a blast playing with Peyton and making a pony name Princess Luna. 

(Happy Birthday, Peyton!!)

...I got this adorable little onesie with interchangeable suspenders and bow ties for Zac and Stef. So cute!!

...Daddy took Charley to Chuck E. Cheese, while Grace and I were at Peyton's party. This is the only picture he took.

...Isaac had a guys' night and went to the WWE event at the Thomas and Mack. He was obviously really excited for it. Can you believe that we already had this stuff lying around the house? (OK. It was actually in a Halloween box in the garage, but still.)

...since Sunday was Father's Day, the girls wore their sweet "Daddy's Girl" shirts, and we went to The Coffee Cup for breakfast.

...afterwards, we headed to Cowabunga Bay to spend the day cooling off in the pools.

...the girls went down these slides with Daddy over and over and over again. They always have so much fun here.

...back at home, Grace slept with her eyes open. Weirdo.

...I admired my new car some more. honor of the first blistering day of summer, I'll leave you with these funny, but true, memes.

See you next week!

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