Last Week...

...Grace Face dressed herself for school (she insists on doing this almost daily now), and looked so adorable in her pineapple outfit.

...we met Daddy at Lucille's for dinner where the girls got down on their favorite, sweet tea, and Charley washed Daddy's head with the warm towels. Such a sweetheart, that one.

...Isaac saw my alarms one afternoon and told me that I have a problem. These are times when some of my favorite shops were either listing new items or having sales. 

...we got a three minute torrential downpour, which the girls thoroughly enjoyed.

...since the girls have gymnastics right after school on Thursday, Char wore her doughnut gym outfit to school. We ordered her some matching (and freaking adorable) doughnut mocks, but they haven't arrived just yet.

...the girls continued to love gymnastics, and Charley got to work on the bar. It made me laugh when she was afraid to flip forward over it, because this kid is never afraid of ANYTHING.

...Grace perfected her back bend and worked on back hand springs and the balance beam.

...the girls rocked out in the car on the way home from school on Wednesday.

...Charley loves her some avocados. She asks us to cut one open for her all the time and will just eat it with a spoon.

...she wore this adorable mermaid dress to school on Thursday. I have to take pictures of them in their cute outfits before school, because they're usually a hot mess (nap time, lunch, paint) by the time I pick them up.

...the girls watched a rolly polly crawl in front of their school with awe. I must get them outdoors more often.

...I saw the beginning of a rainbow on my way to work that morning.

...the girls brought home the cutest Fourth of July crafts from school.

...after seeing a "That's Fresh" short on the Disney Junior channel, Daddy and Grace made Bird's Nests for dinner (an egg inside a piece of toast), and Toodles slept with Gracie that night.

...since the girls didn't have school on Friday, they spent the day with Grammy making homemade lemonade and swimming in the pool.

...I came across this and thought it was just perfect.

...since we had plans to spend the Fourth of July at Green Valley Ranch with the Sebastians, we decided to do our own fireworks on Friday (the night before). The girls had so much fun playing with sparklers and Pop-Its and watching Daddy light some sparkly ones. Our neighbor friends came outside and had fun playing with them, as well. We really live on the best street ever.

...God joined in our celebration and painted the sky red, white, and blue.

...we spent all day Saturday by the pool with some amazing friends and enjoy a firework show over the pool that night. To say it was a great day would be the understatement of the century. We had a blast all day (and night) long!

...we went to Grandma Espejo's Sunday to swim, but Char and Presley were more interested in reading books together than getting in the pool.

...Toodles cat napped on the girls' vanity in their room.

...Grace played on her new swing car ride-on, and Charley pointed out bugs so Grace could kill them with her squirt gun.

Another great week in the books!

See you next time <3

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