Showering Baby Amelia

Last Saturday, we had a baby shower to celebrate Amelia's upcoming arrival. We are all so excited to meet her and couldn't wait to celebrate with the Gerfy's.

Crafty Carole made the sweetest decorations, complete with an adorable wreath for the front door.

(Seriously? How stinking cute is this thing?!)

She also made a laundry line with sweet onesies and this precious, tiny, purple tutu.

As we were all setting up and getting ready for the party, I snuck a quick picture with my beautiful best friend and that gorgeous bump of hers.

I made some games to play that included baby items in bags that started with each letter of Amelia's name, celebrity baby match, and guess the baby's body part from an ultrasound picture.

Finally, we were all set up and ready for the guests to arrive.

Everyone started coming in, so we got some sweet pictures of the Gerfys and the soon-to-be Grandmas. Francesca looked so gorgeous!

After all of the guests were there, everyone chowed down on the amazing food that Suzie brought, and we started in on the party games. It was so funny to watch everyone try to guess how big Frannie's belly was with ribbon and try to guess which baby belonged to which set of celebrity parents.

After the games were over, and the winners chosen, it was time for the best part: watching them open all of the adorable baby gifts.

It's so fun to watch parents-to-be (especially newbies) open all of the baby gifts and imagine when and how each one will be used. You can see the excitement in their eyes as they open each one.

(I don't know if they got enough stuff!)

After presents, we spent a few hours swimming and watching fight night by the pool.

It was such a fun day, and I think we are all beyond excited for baby Amelia to arrive. I am so excited for some of our best friends to experience parenthood and all of the joy that it brings.

Three weeks and counting...

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