The Party Cabana {Happy 4th!}

We had big plans with the Sebastians for the Fourth of July this year, and, as usual, they didn't disappoint.

The girls and I made a quick Target run early in the morning, and they looked so cute and festive in their red, white, and blue.

After our errands, we changed into swim suits and headed to Green Valley Ranch to jump in the pool. It was a little cloudy, which made the day perfect. We didn't have to bear the crazy heat, but it was still hot enough for the pool to feel amazing.

Auntie Elisha was working, so the girls had fun playing with her, and we got the best cocktail server around. Girl was on it with delicious drinks all day long, and we never had an empty cup.

These kids were beyond happy to dance, swim, and party the day away with each other.

JJ just didn't want to join the picture posse. The small pools behind us said "no swimming", but it was next to impossible to keep these kids out. At one point, a pool supervisor told them nicely to stay out, and Grace asked him, "so they're just for decoration, or what?"

We spent most of the day in this spot. The kids played in the sand, swam all over the place, and JJ even napped sitting up at the edge of the water. We had a blast.

After a while, we went back to our chairs for some lunch, where we had the most delicious tray of hummus and veggies.

The kids snacked on suckers and played on iPhones while they not so patiently waited for us to go back in the water.

We made it back, and the kids took turns jumping onto the floats from the side of the pool. They were giggling so loud and making us laugh every time as they splashed everyone around them.

At five they closed the main pool, and we were escorted up to the party cabana for the evening. These kids just have no idea how good they have it. There were two small pools up there where they swam for hours. It was nice since most of them could touch the bottom.

Nick's family joined us for the day, and his niece Berit became Charley's new BFF for the day. Aren't they just the cutest?!

We spent the next few hours of sunlight drinking and swimming around. We definitely had the best group up there, and all of the kids were doing so great for being out in the sun all day long. They were still having fun as the sun went down.

Char and JJ got a little sleepy and hung out on the lounge chairs.

The sun went down, but the party continued. The hotel had a huge firework show above the pool for us to enjoy as we celebrated America's Independence.

Baby Beck was down for the count. This adorable little guy didn't cry the whole day and was the sweetest thing hanging with the rest of us.

We had such a blast celebrating with some amazing people. The Sebastians have become some of our best friends. and we love hanging out with them any chance we get. I hope everyone had just as much fun as our crew celebrating the fourth of July!

Happy Independence Day!!

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