Last Week...

...Monday, the girls rode their bikes around the neighborhood. Charley is getting so good, and they can now race and ride down the street together.

...Grace and Easton raced, and she made sure to show off the fact that she won by holding up a big, red flag. This girl is super athletic. I'm getting super excited to see her in action on the soccer field!

...Char and JJ devoured popsicles and juice boxes.

...the girls watched their iPads before bed, and Toodles made sure to sit right by his girls.

...we had dinner at Chapalas on Tuesday, and the girls dressed themselves.

...they brushed their hair after their showers. I can't believe how big they both are.

...Char has been transforming from this mini tomboy into a little girly girl. She's so sweet and loves anything and everything that has to do with jewelry, make-up, unicorns, and princesses. I caught her applying (and reapplying) lip gloss as she sang along with Jason Derulo in the car.

...Shelly made us this delicious tray of brownies, because she's the sweetest person of all time.

...the girls wore matching pigtail braids to bed.

...Char slept like the little angel she is.

...Gracie was so excited to take her race car track to Show and Tell on Friday.

...we met the Sebastians at Grimaldi's for dinner, where the kids were crazy and had so much fun.

...Grace and Noah had my phone, and I found some super awesome selfies. I don't know when it happened, but they're totally teenager status here.

...after dinner, we had a donut date at Krispy Kreme.

...the kiddos played outside with the cars and their besties. Then they raced their bikes up and down the street.

(Don't mind Isaac laying down in the background. He just got home from a long run.)

...Daddy teased the girls by pretending to pick up this beetle. They were hilarious screaming at him to stop. Grace telling Char to watch out at the very end is the best part.

...we took the girls over to the Gerfys to meet their newest baby cousin, Amelia. They were so sweet holding her and didn't want any help. I loved watching them "ooh" and "aww" over her tiny toes and sweet little lips.

...we met Auntie Allison for a late lunch at Ta Ta for some sushi.

...the girls ate cereal together and played, while Isaac and I watched Fixer Upper. It's our favorite show, and we always binge watch it on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We both have a million ideas now on things we want to do to our house. Plus, Chip and Joanna Gaines have the cutest family of all time. We've also talked about wanting a farm with lots of land and baby goats. Ha!

...Char snuggled with me, while we watched Jurassic World. The girls loved it and (SPOILER ALERT) Char cried at the end when she thought the Indominus Rex had killed the T-Rex and the little Raptors. She's so sweet, that girl.

See you next week :)

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