Last Week...

...Monday, Char insisted on bringing her new unicorn pony to school with her, and she looked super cute in her pink outfit.

...she sang, as she always does, about nothing while waiting for Grace to get out of the shower.

...we had a beautiful sunrise on Tuesday morning that made me remember that God is good and to always seek the positive in every situation. For some reason, it just spoke to me, and I really needed it in that moment.

...the girls have been wanting to pick out their own clothes lately, and I must say, they do a great job. (It can't be that hard, though, when we always buy them the cutest stuff!)

...Toodles snuggled in bed with his girls.

...they had sports day at school on Wednesday and wore their favorite jerseys (Marcus Mariota...duh) and the cutest matching moccs.

...I got my nails done after work and LOVE how they turned out.

...Char and I watched the new Minions movie on the couch, while we waited for the Unertls to come over.

...we got to have dinner and spend the whole evening with them just like old times, and it was the best. The girls had so much fun playing with Jakson.

...Char fed him ice cream, and he was super mad when his mom made him leave.

...the girls looked adorable again on Thursday as we headed off to school. was raining on my way home, and by the time I got to the girls' school, I could barely see out my car window. Luckily, they had gymnastics that afternoon, so we were able to stay there to wait it out.

...Char worked on bars and the vault. Her pigtails made me laugh every time she jumped.

...Gracie was loving her braids and practiced her back hand springs on the tumble track.

...after gymnastics, the worst of the storm had passed. We played outside painting with the neighbors when we got home.

...when the neighbors left, the girls wanted to ride their bikes, so we went around the block a few times. The roads were super muddy after the storm. We always seem to get one horrible flood each summer that leaves our neighborhood full of dirt for a few days.

...we did get a little rainbow out of it, which the girls loved.

...Toodles watched the Titans game with me. For some reason, it wouldn't let me throw it up to the Apple TV, so we resorted to watching it on the lap top.

...the girls rode bikes again after school on Friday.

...I came across this Friday morning, and it could not have been more perfect.

...we went to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's for dinner Friday night, and this picture was sitting on the counter. We were all laughing about how much Char looks like her uncle Zacarias. I totally see Gracie in Isaac's face, too.

...the girls swam with Grandma and were little fishies swimming back and forth across the pool.

...Saturday, we went to Grammy's pool for a bit, and the girls had fun jumping, swimming, and playing all morning (all while looking super cute, of course).

...after going home to get ready for the day, we had to stop at Grandpa Espejo's again to check on some work that our guys were doing in his yard. Char looked adorbs in her purple ice cream outfit.

...back at home, the girls painted up a storm at the dining table.

...Sunday morning, they stayed with Grandma Espejo, while we went to the shooting range with Allison and Alex. I did really well and am excited to start going every weekend with Isaac. I want to feel really comfortable with my gun, so I'm not afraid to use it, if I have to.

...the girls snuggled close that night. Their love for each other melts me every day. I love that they are the best of friends.

...I'll leave you with this statement that could not be any more true for our household.

See you next week!

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