Class of 2028

After talking about Kindergarten for weeks and weeks, the day finally came for Grace to start her official schooling journey. She has been so excited and woke up Monday morning with a huge smile on her face.

We took Charley to preschool first, so that we could focus all of our attention on Gracie and this important day in her life. As we dropped Char off, Grace told everyone, "Welp, this is my last day. I'm going to Kindergarten now." It was so cute to see her so excited.

Back at home, we took some "first day of school" pictures. Gracie looked so pretty in her new dress.

Can you believe she'll be the class of 2028? That seems like so far away! We made this shirt for her to wear on the first day of school each year until she really is a graduate. It turned out so cute and is so her.

We met the Sebastians outside to get some pictures together, and the kids were all so cute with their big, silly smiles.

Finally, it was time to go. Grace waited outside the playground anxiously for school to begin.

Isaac and I walked her to her new class, where she and Easton hung their backpacks next to each other on the hooks. Then Grace went to her seat. I took these pictures right as she started crying. This poor kiddo was so nervous and kept telling us how she just wanted to come home with us.

We left her classroom and went out on the playground for the Boo Hoo/Yahoo meet and greet with other parents. They gave us these sweet seeds and tissues. Luckily, the event was right outside of Grace's class, so Isaac and I kept peeking in at her through the windows. At first, she was walking around holding Mrs. Grant's hand, but in no time, she was sitting next to Easton on the carpet listening to her teacher read a book.

Mrs. Grant even texted Shelly this picture in the middle of her day to let us know that Gracie was doing just fine. When I picked her up and saw the gigantic smile on her face, I started crying. I was so happy that she had so much fun. It was such an emotional, bittersweet, proud, exciting, fun experience for both of us.

After class, we met Easton at 7-11 for celebratory Slurpee cheers that were well deserved.

I took Grace back to work with me for the afternoon, where she had fun coloring a rain forest to hang in the office.

We went to pick up Charley that afternoon, and then went to the park to take a couple more pictures and let the girls play to cap off the big day.

At the Kinder Meet and Greet, Mrs. Grant had given the kids some confetti to remind them how much fun they were going to have on the first day, so we had to throw it in the air to celebrate.

I am so proud of Grace for overcoming her fear and having such a great time. I can't wait to see how much she learns this year and help guide her to be the smartest, happiest little girl she can be.

We are so proud of you, sis! You are going to do big things in this world, and we can't wait to watch you do it all!!

Happy First Day of School <3

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