Last Week...

...Grace's class was getting ready for their Apex Fun Run on Thursday, so we worked on getting donations all week. Her class got the most one night, so they got a trophy the next day at school.

...another day they won a game of Hide-and-Seek, and her teacher sent us this picture of the kids hiding on the playground.

...Isaac and I went to Open House on Wednesday, so Alex and Allison took the girls to Gracie's soccer practice. Thank you guys again!

...Thursday was Grace's run where she completed twenty-eight laps. Way to go, Gracie! She had fun with her Sebastian buddies on the field.

...we got the girls some fun books at the book fair at Open House, and they spent Thursday night coloring in them.

...Gracie's "big girl tooth" is growing in. I can't even believe that she is big enough to have big girl teeth.

(Don't mind her yellow teeth. She was eating candy corn.)

...Isaac played with the girls, so I could take a bath in peace, and I opened my eyes to see Toodles hanging out.

...I was so excited to go to Grace's second game. Isaac and I got matching jerseys to cheer her on. She is so cute running around the field and really takes a defensive stand where she takes an angle to her own goal whenever the other team gets the ball. Plus, she's having fun, so baring the miserable heat is worth it to watch her strut her stuff on the field.

...that night, we watched (on TV) UNLV take the canon back from UNR in Reno. It was a great game, and Coach Sanchez really has us all excited about Rebel football again.

...Sunday we took the girls to a playground that Daddy designed and installed at work. They had a blast and were so cute pretending to sell animals to each other.

...I still can't get over Grace and that missing tooth. Somehow, it makes her even cuter!

...I saw this and thought it was perfect. I'm not a huge pumpkin pie fan, but I do love me some whipped cream. Here's to hoping the fall weather shows up sometime soon!

See you next week!

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