The Best Ever {Staheli Farm}

Last weekend, we took our annual trip up to Staheli Farm with the Sebastians. We had the best time, as we always do, but this year was something special. They really went all out adding all kinds of different things for the kids to do and even had skeletons climbing around everywhere (which Char loved)

We got our annual sister picture, and it's just as cute as ever. I ordered these outfits a few months ago just for the farm, and they were even cuter on them than I imagined.

The kiddos were patient with us and took a group picture before heading off to explore. Love these guys and their sweet friendship so much!

Charley had to potty, and we found a giant Minion on the way. We always call her Minion, so it was perfect.

The kids played with the water at the rubber duck races station and loved racing each other.

We went to the swinging ropes, and Char jumped right in. Grace was scared, but once she fell off, she was game.

There were some cute informational games, too, like this one with facts about cows.

The corn slide is always a hit, and the girls went down it over and over again before raking up and throwing the corn everywhere.

I made them take a picture by the red barn, but they agreed to smile at separate times resulting in their own pics instead of a cute one together.

They ran over to check out the bunnies and ducks before finding Easton and Noah on the new slides out back.

These new slides were awesome, and we couldn't get the kids off of them. Even Isaac had to try it out.

We said "hello" to this hungry goat before making our way to the bouncy pillow. The kids jumped all over the place and had so much fun.

They had this huge tunnel that got the kids attention next to the bouncy pillow. They tried their hardest to roll it and got it all the way across the track.

Rolling it back was a little harder, so Noah helped out by pushing from the outside.

Next up was Tug o' War. Isaac got the kids good by making them pull extra hard before letting go of his side.

We went to the petting zoo where Charley fell in love with this baby white goat, while Grace wasn't too sure about them. It's so amazing to me how two kids raised in the same way can be so different. Charley loves everything, while Grace overthinks a lot and is too afraid to try new things very often. She clearly gets that from me, because I was the same way as a kid.

We got to watch some little pigs race, and they were the cutest!

They had some fun new games that the boys loved. Meanwhile, I was smitten with this adorable donkey.

Finally, Grace talked them into leaving the balls alone and riding the ponies. The kids were so cute smiling the entire time.

The people helping them were so sweet to get them together, so I could take this picture. It will be in a frame on my desk ASAP.

We went back to the slides where we saw a rainbow.

We sat in a giant chair while waiting for the train to come around.

The kids had fun riding the train around the cows and up by the pumpkin patch.

Finally, we decided on the corn maze over the pumpkin patch. There were so many people, because we came later in the month, that we figured there wouldn't be a lot of pumpkins left up there. The kids had a blast going through the maze with Isaac and Nick, while Shelly and I hung out on the hay stack.

When they came back, we got one last group shot of the cutest friends ever.

Since we headed up there right after Grace's early morning soccer game, we were all exhausted. We headed home, and the girls took their pants off "because they are full of hay!". Char would cover her eyes and say, "Gracie, find my eyes! Nope. Those are just my hands!" It had me and Isaac cracking up.

We always have the best time at Staheli Family Farm, but this year was one of the best ever. I already can't wait to go back next year!!

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