Last Week...

...we made Grandma Beth's casserole for dinner on Monday, and it did not disappoint.

...I have been taking lots of baths lately, with some amazing bath balls from Lush, and Char always asks me why the water is different colors. I dyed her bath water pink one night, and she was so excited about it.

...Gracie drew a family picture of us in a rain storm and hung it next to our bed. My favorite part is the check marks on top of our heads where she made sure she wasn't missing anybody.

...Charley put herself to bed every night this week. She keeps telling me that she's a "big girl and doesn't need to be tickled anymore". What?

...Grace had fire safety week at school where she learned all kinds of new songs and got to see Nick and the fire engine.

...Char got all ready for Staheli Farm on Saturday morning and looked so cute.

...Gracie played goalie for a bit during her soccer game Saturday morning and was the cutest.

...we spent the rest of our Saturday having a blast at Staheli Farm with the Sebastians.

...we went to Gilcrease Orchards on Sunday. It was cloudy, so we got to enjoy a cool day picking veggies and searching for pumpkins.

...the girls had a blast pulling the wagon all over the place and pointing out different areas they wanted to go. Char even hitched a ride from Gracie.

...we started with the green beans and found quite a few big ones. Grace was so excited each time she found one.

...they joined Daddy and picked some carrots and green tomatoes.

...we found some good sized eggplants, but we didn't get any cucumbers or squash.

...after veggie pickin', we headed to the pumpkin patch, where Grace picked her own pumpkin.

 ...we had so much fun at the orchards. They were sold out of apple cider for the season, and a lot of the veggies were gone. Next year, we'll make sure we go earlier in the month to make sure we get a lot. I was bummed we didn't get to try their famous donuts either, but the lines were crazy, so we ate lunch at Leticia's Mexican Cocina instead. It's officially my favorite Mexican restaurant. So delicious!

...with all the rain in the valley, we had a gorgeous rainbow over our neighborhood that evening.

See you next week when we head to Napa!

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