Last Week...

...we got our Christmas cards in the mail, and Gracie was the biggest helper stamping and labeling  each one perfectly.

...I finally took Charley back to gymnastics after a month long break. I noticed a flyer up for her Christmas show, and it just happened to be that Saturday. I figured she'd be good to go, but this girl got so shy all of the sudden. They practiced for their show, and whenever she had to say her name or do her solo floor routine, she ran and hid behind me. When it was time for the vault, she was all about it. Then she saw Santa and got super excited...until she saw his tennis shoes and said, "Hey! That's not Santa." We didn't end up going to the show, because when Saturday morning came, she didn't want to do it. I need to get better at taking her every week so she's more comfortable. She usually LOVES gymnastics.

...Daddy bought the girls Pokemon cards, and they were only interested in the sparkly ones.

...Grace brought home this paper that she made at school. They were learning about different Christmas traditions, and this one was for Kwanzaa. They had to draw an ear of corn on the mat for each child in their family. I thought it was so sweet that she drew three of them.

...Charley wore her Elf shirt to school, and then insisted on watching the movie when she got home.

...I looked down at work and couldn't believe how big my belly looked in my jeans.

...Char picked out rose gold sparkly everything to wear to school on Friday and looked super adorable.

...we met the Sebastians at Lindo Michoacan for dinner and then headed to Sunset Station to go bowling after. Apparently, they had all of the lanes shut down for league bowling until 9pm, so we hung out in the arcade instead.

...Saturday morning, the girls wrestled with Daddy.

...they sent Auntie Allison a video for her birthday.

...we got ready and headed to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. When we got there, we realized we left the stroller at home and had to rent one. The girls loved riding in the car stroller as we shopped for hours.

...that night, Isaac and I got all dressed up and went to our company Christmas party at Caesars. It was so fun, and it was nice to dress all fancy for once.

...the next day, everyone took a three hour nap. I wasn't sure what to do, so I wrapped all of the Christmas presents that we bought for our families the day before.

...even Toody napped in his favorite spot - right behind Santa.

...that night, we went to Lucille's for dinner (because everyone knows that when I'm pregnant, we only eat barbecue), and the girls demanded pictures in front of the big tree.

...I came across this and thought it was funny...even though I won't be drinking any wine until next year.

See you next week for more Christmas fun!

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