Last Week...

...the Unertls came over to celebrate an early Christmas with us, and the girls had so much fun with Jakson. Char watched Paw Patrol with him, and they all had a light saber war with Jeremy.

...Char made sure to give him kisses good-bye. I can't believe next time we see them, Jakson will be a big brother!

...we hit the half way point of this pregnancy and officially decided on baby Perry Louise's name. Can you believe she'll be here in just nineteen weeks?!

...Grace slept on the top bunk by herself all week. It was a struggle at first, but each night gets easier and easier. One night, I heard her mumbling to herself something like, "blah blah blah my family, blah blah blah all my grandpa and grandmas, blah blah blah thank you and I love you. In Jesus name, Amen." It may be the pregnancy hormones, but I almost burst into tears. Listening to her beautiful little soul say her prayers all by herself was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I'm so proud of this girl and who she is becoming. (I'm especially proud that she's finally sleeping on her own. It was a must with the new baby coming.)

...Charley is much easier in that department. I tell her, "it's time to go to sleep" (if she hasn't already told me herself), and she just rolls over with her blanky and passes out. This kid has always been the best sleeper. 

...Chase FaceTime'd me at work. He put on Jurassic World and just wanted me to watch it through his iPad. Silly boy.

...we celebrated Christmas with my Poppa and Grandma with a family dinner at their house. The girls love playing with their cousins, and they had a blast running all through the house with them, while the rest of us laughed and enjoyed one another. I don't know that there is ever a place where you will feel as much love as in Poppa and Grandma's living room when the family is all gathered together.

...we went to Grammy and Papa Rick's for Christmas Eve dinner. The girls posed for pictures with Chase, and they played with the coolest Star Wars themed potato heads. 

...we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas and ate a delicious roast with veggies for dinner, before playing with a giant Jenga game in the living room. It was a nice, relaxing night before we headed home to get ready for Christmas morning.

...we had the best Christmas ever and spent the day doing absolutely nothing but enjoying one another's company.

...Charley waited patiently on Saturday morning for Presley to come over to play.

...she is obsessed with babies, and she wanted to hold Paxton all by herself the minute she saw his sweet little grin.

...of course, then Gracie wanted a turn.

...we opened gifts, and the girls took turns doing each other's make-up, while Paxton took a little cat nap.

...Uncle finally got to hold him, and he had baby Pax making the sweetest faces.

...Isaac mentioned how he thought Paxton looked a lot like Charley as a baby. I had to find a picture of Char at the same age to compare the two, and the resemblance is crazy.

...we went to dinner at Lucille's with the Sebastians that night, and they came over to exchange Christmas gifts afterwards. 

...Gracie and Easton had fun playing with the light sabers in the playroom.

...Sunday Gracie did her own make-up and looked beautiful.

...she drew a picture of Santa and Mrs. Claus. We got a tiny bit of snow flurries on Christmas night, and she said, "I wish it would snow more here, so I drew snow on my picture." My favorite part is Mrs. Claus' eyelashes.

...Toodles is crazy about the top bunk and sleeps on it allll the time.

...Char passed out on my lap that night. This busy week must've worn the poor girl out.

Can't believe Christmas is over already! We're looking forward to the new year and all of the joy it will bring. See you in 2016 :)

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