Last Week...

...we had lots of rain last week that left our neighborhood looking like this for a few days.

...I saw this and thought it was a great reminder. A lot of us work so hard to get the very best of everything when we already have so much beauty around us. It's important to remember this, especially when things aren't always going as planned.

...I got my nails done after work and opted for brighter colors. I'm so ready for spring.

...I worked on homework with Gracie every night. This kid surprises me every week with how much she is learning. Now if we could just get those darn sight words down...we've got list three this week. I know it!

...meanwhile, Charley put herself to bed with her favorite animals.

...she watched her iPad, and Toodles snuggled up at the bottom of her bed.

...Tuesday, I took Charley to gymnastics. She worked on back handsprings and drops on the trampoline. She still got shy when doing her floor routine. We'll see if that gets better as we go each week.

...I won a free skirt from one of my favorite IG shops. Since I had already purchased the rainbow hearts one for both of the girls, I opted for the purple cloud one. I'm so excited, because I never win anything!

...I caught the very end of Grace's bedtime prayer that night. She's the sweetest girl ever.

...we went to see Disney's Frozen on Ice Wednesday night with the other Espejos and the Farmers. The girls had so much fun waving to their favorite characters and singing along to the songs.

 intermission, we took a potty break with Elsa and Anna, and Charley insisted on holding Paxton, as per usual.

...the girls somehow talked Daddy into Olaf snow cones...

...and spent the second half of the show like this.

...I ate strawberries every single morning at 9am this week. I don't know what it is, but I cannot get enough of them.

...the girls finally made it back to dance class on Thursday, and they both loved it. Charley is so silly, and Grace is loving that she's in a ballet class instead of the combo this year. I love to watch them learn new things and try so hard at them.

...we went to Grammy and Papa Rick's for pizza after dance class, and Papa showed the girls how to fly his drone that he got for Christmas.

...Friday at work, we tried out Jessie Rae's Barbecue for lunch. It was fantastic, and we'll definitely be eating there a lot now. I can't believe we didn't know this was right around the corner.

...that afternoon, we had our high risk ultrasound to check on baby Perry. The doctor said that everything looks absolutely perfect. She is currently at 1 pound, 2 ounces - which is right where she should be. She was kicking and moving all over the place, but we managed to get this picture of her cute little feet.

...she spent most of the time folded in half wiggling her toes and giggling at them.

...this picture of her profile gives me hope that she'll get Charley's lips. Fingers crossed!

...Isaac's family flew in from Nebraska on Friday, because they wanted to surprise his mom for her fiftieth birthday. We met them for dinner at Lucille's, and the girls had fun singing songs with Great Grandma Sally while we waited for our table.

...Char held Paxton again, and we had fun enjoying the night with our family.

...the girls had a muscle flexing contest when Presley tried to tell Grace that hers were the biggest.

...I got my first pair of itsy bitsy moccasins for Perry and am completely obsessed with them. Aunt Susie also brought us some sweet headbands to match the blanket she made her for Christmas. I cannot wait for her to get here (only 17 more weeks!).

...the family all came over on Saturday morning to watch some basketball. Grandma Lisa wasn't scheduled to arrive until six, so we spent the day playing, laughing, and napping.

...Presley and Grace sang Let it Go, while Charley took a 2.5 hour nap. She's the greatest sleeper ever.

...the girls played with Daddy/Uncle, while he loved on Paxton.

...Grandma Sunshine finally arrived and was so shocked to see her family here from Nebraska.

...we sang her Happy Birthday, and the girls helped her to blow out her candles.

...we had such a great weekend with everyone and will miss them so much when they leave!

...Charley loves to lay on Gracie's lap when she's tired. She started to do so at the end of the night, and what Charley does, Presley does. So cute!

...I also came across this for all of you ticket buyers out there.
(Future Reference: the Powerball is currently at $1.3 Billion!)

And we're done. See ya next week!

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