Last Week...

...Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so Gracie tried explaining to Charley just why he is so important on the way home from school.

...also on the way home, Charley kept "roaring" with a dinosaur that she made. When I asked what she was doing, she said, "making baby Perry laugh!". This girl is going to be the best big sister. She can't wait for the baby to come and keeps telling everyone all of the things she is going to do to take care of her new baby.

...I got some of my most favorite new baby items in, and it made me that much more excited for Perry to get here. We hit 24 weeks on Tuesday, and everything is going great. I'm feeling really good and baby is kicking and rolling around like crazy. She is already over a foot long! I can't believe that. It seemed that this pregnancy was flying by until the holidays were over. Now the weeks are dragging, and May cannot come soon enough!

...Charley did great at gymnastics on Tuesday, where she worked on the bars and her vaults. She really loves going, and Gracie came to watch her this week. Grace decided that she wants to get back into gymnastics, too. We had a long talk, and both girls decided that they want to withdraw from dance for the rest of this season to do gymnastics and soccer. Depending on how it goes, we may get back into dance in the fall, or we may look around for another gym. If Grace is going to really focus on it, I want her to go somewhere where she can learn, advance, and compete. We love the gym we're at, but it's more of a skills building/cheer gym. We'll see how it goes.

...after class, Charley refused to change back into her clothes. She wanted to wear this to dinner, even though it was pouring rain all evening.

...I talked her into changing once she realized it was freezing outside. We met Daddy at Lucille's for dinner, and the girls showed him their new animals. I can't believe they're still crazy about these things after all these years, but they get one everywhere we go and keep them on the top shelf in their closet.

...Aunt Susie sent me this, and I couldn't help but immediately think that Grace will be 15-16! So fun that OU and Nebraska will be playing each other again. I've already got Charley saying "Boomer Sooner!" any time a sporting event is on.

...we played outside with chalk since the weather was gorgeous, and the sun was finally shining.

...we played some more on Thursday, and Charley played catch with Noah.

...I ordered an adult coloring book with quotes and some pens, and the girls loved coloring in them. I hope they'll eventually finish these, and we can frame them and hang them in their play room since the ones they picked say "play hard" and "be a friend".

...I saw this and thought it was pretty funny.

...Isaac took a picture of the 24.5 week belly on Saturday since I managed to dress nice AND wear make-up.

...the girls and I went to Allison's bridal shower to celebrate the bride-to-be. We had so much fun and ate lots of delicious food, too.

...the girls made snow angels in the toilet paper after the dress game.

...we stopped by the Gerfy's to pick up Daddy, so we could meet the family at Ventano for dinner. Charley was so excited to see baby Amelia and played with her the whole time.

...meanwhile, Grace took a selfie video. This kid always cracks me up, and I just love finding these on my phone later on.

...we met the family for dinner at Ventano, and it was delicious, as per usual.

...the east coast got blasted with snow, while we enjoyed our sunny, 68 degree day.

...Daddy went to the store Sunday morning to get some snacks for us to make, so the girls practiced their figure skating skills upstairs.

...the girls were going crazy being cooped up in the house. This is pretty much our lives all day, every day with these two wild ones.

...we made meatballs, guacamole, and queso dip to munch on while we watched the playoffs. Apparently, no one was excited to see Peyton Manning beat Tom Brady in our house.

...I spent the afternoon sitting out front, while the girls played with the Sebastians. They heard them outside and demanded to go out there after coming out of their room dressed like crazy people.

Another fun week in the books. See ya next week!

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