Last Week...

...we stopped by Starbucks on Monday morning, and they gave the girls free hot chocolates. They were so excited, because I usually only let them get it on weekends.

...I had my twenty-five week check-up with Dr. Tyre after work on Monday. Everything was going well until she used the fetal doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat. If you've never heard a fetal heartbeat before, it's way faster than yours. The baby's sounded normal, slowed down for about three beats, and then went back to normal again. It sounded kind of like this, "swish-a, swish-a, swish-a, swiiiissshhh-a, swiiiissshhh-a, swiiiissshhh-a, swish-a, swish-a, swish-a".  Dr. Tyre got a worried look on her face and asked if I had heard it, too. I said I did, and she explained that it could be a heart deceleration and that she was going to call my high risk doctor to see what they thought. I had just been to the high risk doctor two weeks prior to check out the ins and outs of the heart, and they were certain that everything looked perfect. I immediately started freaking out.

Dr. Tyre came back and told me that I needed to go to the high risk office immediately for monitoring. She told me not to panic. The baby may have grabbed the cord or my blood pressure may have dropped when I laid down. This didn't really help the anxious feeling in my stomach. I called Isaac and told him to meet me at the high risk office. Then I called my mom and couldn't help but to start crying. She said she'd pick the girls up from school, so Isaac and I didn't have to rush or worry about anything else.

We arrived at the high risk office and they weren't able to find the heartbeat on the monitors. The nurse mentioned that the monitors were usually used on mamas that were thirty-two weeks and beyond, and the baby was still very small. She also said that she could feel and hear her moving all over the place, so that wasn't helping the cause. We went back for an ultrasound where baby looked perfect. Once they determined exactly where the heartbeat was, we headed back to the monitors and a second nurse was finally able to find it. We listened and recorded the beats for twenty minutes. It sounded beautiful, and there was nothing abnormal at all. The doctor told us not to worry. It could have been anything. The doppler may have even picked up my slower heartbeat for a moment before picking up the baby's again. I finally felt better about it and started to relax a little. She also said that they don't technically call it a deceleration unless the beats per minute drop more than ten for at least fifteen beats in a row. This made me feel much better, and we headed home to get the girls. I was so relieved that it was nothing, but I was also grateful that Dr. Tyre was being proactive and not just letting it go as nothing. This pregnancy has made me worry about every little thing. I just can't wait for Per Bear to arrive and be healthy and perfect, so I know we've made it.

...after grabbing the girls from my mom's and dropping them off with Isaac, I headed to Pinot's Palette to meet up with Kim to do some painting for her fiftieth birthday. We had so much fun getting creative and painting some pretty tree pictures. It was a nice way to decompress from an eventful day.

(Happy Birthday, Grandma Espejo!)

...Tuesday, Charley went to gymnastics and worked on the bars in her cutest penguin leotard.

...I got my nails done afterwards and admired the view of my growing bump from above.

...when I got home, Isaac had made one of my favorite dinners - fettuccine carbonara. It was delicious, and the girls loved it, too.

...Toodles was sleeping on the arm of the couch, fell over onto a pillow, and just stayed there. He's such a weirdo.

...we told the girls we were going to the Rebel game, so they got all ready. Then we realized that it didn't start until 8:00pm. We fibbed and told them that it was an away game, and they were pretty bummed but agreed to watch it on TV instead.

...Charley fell asleep with her make-up on. I guess since I won't let her wear it out of the house, she'll wear it inside whenever she can.

...Grace told us all about her sock puppet as Isaac and I asked "MooBoo" all kinds of questions. Apparently, he loves to eat raspberries and has lots of friends at school.

...she wore her "Playground Boss" shirt, and I couldn't get over her pants before versus after school. How does this kid always manage to get so dirty?!

...we had a cotton candy sunrise that the girls loved on the way to school.

...Char Char wore her Lulu and Roo sweats and looked as cute as ever.

...we celebrated 100 days of school with Gracie on Friday. So proud of this girl and all that she has learned so far this year. She truly is our little sunshine.

...Shelly sent me this picture of Easton and Grace in their 100 Day crowns.

...we had another gorgeous sunrise, and Char kept yelling, "take a picture, mom!" until I complied with her demands.

...we went to Town Square Saturday to meet the Gerfys for lunch. Since we got there a little early, the girls played in the park area for a while.

...Char was terrified of this fireman's pole until she watched Grace do it. After that there was no keeping her off of it, and both girls were even doing it on their own by the time we left.

...after playing, we met at Yard House for a delicious lunch out on the patio. It was so gorgeous outside. This day also marked only 100 days until our due date, so I wore my cute shirt that says "Bumps are the New Skinny".

...Papa Rick and Grammy picked the girls up when we got home and took them to Build-a-Bear. They had so much fun picking out new animals and getting them ready to go home. They even had a light saber war with Chase and got cookies afterwards. mom sent me pictures of Charley's new Dalmatian, Marshall, and Grace's new cat, Teegan.

...meanwhile, Isaac and I went to the Rebel game with Craig and Lisa and watched the Rebs get beat...again. We're already looking forward to a better season next year (complete with a new head coach).

...since the girls stayed at Papa and Grammy's for the night, we had a breakfast date at The Coffee Cup. I think this was the first time we've been there without the girls, and it was awfully quiet.

...once we were all at home, Charley took a nap, while we watched the playoffs.

...when the second game started, she heard the National Anthem playing and told Grace, "put your hand on your heart!".

...this is my life every day. I pray for patience every night, because that is what I lack the most, and I lose it every day at some point when the girls are driving me nuts. Then I tuck them into bed at night, and it all melts away, and I just want to hold them forever. There is nothing better than being a mom!

See ya next week!

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