Last Week...

...we woke up Monday morning to snow! When Grace walked outside, she yelled, "It's snowing!". I thought it was just rain, but sure enough, there was snow falling all around us. It was too dark when we left the house, so Shelly sent me these pictures of our neighborhood. The girls were excitedly talking about building a snowman after school and were totally bummed when I told them that it would surely be melted and gone by then. The mountains looked so pretty surrounding the whole valley all white capped with snow.

...Char wore her new unicorn outfit to school on Tuesday and couldn't have looked any cuter.

...she made sure to wear the pants to gymnastics that afternoon, too, where she worked on her back walkovers.

...the girls had Sports Day at school in celebration of Super Bowl week and wore their football dresses.

...this guy turned the big 3-0 on Friday. I've been teasing him ever since about how he's so tired and his knee is sore, because he turned thirty. I wouldn't know anything about that, because I'm still in my twenties. I've only got a month before it's my turn, so I'm getting it in every chance I get.

...the girls and I got ready to celebrate Daddy's birthday and took a picture with Baby Perry before we left the house.

...we met our friends at Yard House for Isaac's birthday dinner, and Grace's selfie game was on point.

...Charley brought Matt the camera and asked him, "can you take a picture of me and Amelia?". It was the cutest thing.

...after dinner, we rented out Gameworks bowling lanes, and everyone hung out there for the night. We had so much fun, and it was great to have so many of our friends all in one place together.

It's hard to believe Isaac is really thirty. Like, thirty means you are really grown up. He has accomplished so much, so I can't even imagine what he'll do in his next thirty years. No matter what, I'm so happy that I get to be by his side through it all. We love you so much, Isaac! Happy Birthday!!

...Saturday, we met Auntie Allison at I Love Sushi for lunch where we downed at least ten rolls. It was so delicious, and Charley looked adorable in her little sweater and boots.

...a little later, we got word that Geni had her baby and our new niece/cousin was here! We waited a bit and then headed to the hospital to meet baby Kaitlyn. She is such a sweet little babe, and we were all excited to take turns holding her. Congratulations to Chad, Geni, and big brother Chase!!

...after the hospital, we stopped for ice cream and took the girls to Paradise Pointe park, which is just walking distance from our house. The had so much fun playing on everything and having Daddy push them and spin them on the swings.

...we got home and changed into PJs for the night. Isaac and I were exhausted from the night before and our busy day, so we watched Bridge of Spies, while the girls fell sleep watching their iPads in bed. This is pretty true for us nowadays (especially Isaac, since he's thirty).

...the girls were up bright and early Sunday morning, so they wanted Daddy to be up, too.

...since we were ready to go pretty early, we met the Gerfys at Crepe Expectations for breakfast. We had the best crepes, and the other adults enjoyed fruit-filled mimosas, while Charley and Grace enjoyed playing with Amelia.

...back at home, Grace decided to take the training wheels off her bike, since they were getting wobbly. Daddy helped her, and she was riding up and down the street on her own in no time. Once she fell, she didn't want to try again that day. We were so proud of her, though! I can't believe how big she is getting.

...Charley and Daddy raced down the street, and Gracie and the boys played baseball, football, and soccer. We had such a fun morning enjoying the beautiful weather.

...when we went inside, the girls took my big camera and took pictures of each other upstairs. They're so silly!

Alex and Allison came over to watch the Super Bowl. We made carne asada with all the fixings and dug into my grandma's strawberry pie for dessert! It was a great way to end such a busy week.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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