Last Week...

...Monday, Grace's Kindergarten teacher sent home the cutest shirts for the girls. She asked Charley if she was excited to be a big sister, and Grace said, "no, I'm the big sister. Char is going to be a medium sister", so she made us these shirts that are just perfect. 

(Thank you, Mrs. Grant! You're the sweetest!!)

...we hung out on the couch after work where I snuggled with Charley. 

...the Unertls came over for dinner, and Charley had to hold baby Jase. He wanted mama, though, so the girls didn't hold him for very long. I got a few minutes of snuggling in where he slept, but he woke up shortly wanting Kasie again. She is definitely his most favorite person. I can't get over how different he looks from Jakson. His little face is so sweet.

...the girls had so much fun playing with Jakson, and we're always sad when it's time for them to leave.

...Tuesday was gymnastics. I took this first picture of Char, and she said, "my face looks weird. Take another one".

...she worked on her floor routing, and she's getting so much better at cartwheels and finally attempting hand stands.

...Grace worked on her front walkovers, and finally kicked over on her third try.

...after class, we went home and took baths. I couldn't get over how long Char's hair looked.

...after her bath, I heard Char singing while brushing her teeth. I snuck a video and she got shy when she saw me recording her.

...Shelly sent me this sweet picture of Gracie, Easton, and JJ at school. They really are the cutest friends.

...Wednesday we had Montesano's for dinner, where Charley enjoyed her favorite sprinkle cookies.

...Gracie had spring picture day on Thursday, and looked so pretty.

...Char wore her super cute moody shirt to school on Thursday.

...we rode bikes and colored with chalk outside after school.

...Grace had college day on Friday and all of the kids in her class wore their "going to college" shirts.

...we woke up Saturday and got ready to go bright and early.

...we had our 4D ultrasound for baby Perry and finally got to see what she looks like. At first glance, we thought she looked just like Grace with her chubby little cheeks.

...then she moved and looked just like Charley. with her full lips.

...she made some cute kissy faces and gave us a better view of her sweet lips.

...the one feature I really hoped she had was Charley's lips. Her profile shot showed them off, and I was so excited.

...we got some little smiles , and she even played peek-a-boo at the end. Seeing the baby always makes me so much more excited. I can't wait to hold and kiss her in a couple of months. We didn't get many details on her measurements, but I have a final high risk ultrasound on the eighteenth where we'll get all the details. mom asked if the girls could come have a sleepover, so they got all ready and played outside while they waited for her and Papa to pick them up.

...we picked them up early Sunday, and then had a blast playing and giggling with Daddy all morning.

...we got the girls chore charts and got them all ready to hang up. They were so excited to have their own responsibilities around the house like feeding the cat and loading the dishwasher. They both started checking things off right away.

...after their chores, Daddy showed them how to do sit ups properly, since Grace's gymnastics class always finishes up with them at the end.

...we finally got ready for the day and played outside chasing bubbles and riding bikes. The weather has been so beautiful, so we've been taking full advantage.

...we headed to Target to get some things for the house, and Charley had a hard time staying awake while we shopped. She passed out right when we got in the car, and then was too tired to go upstairs when we got home. She napped on this step for two hours.

Another busy week in the books. See ya next time :)

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