Last Week...

...Monday after school, I told Grace she should try to ride her bike without the training wheels again. She decided to give it another shot, and as soon as Daddy got home, she met him with her bicycle. About two minutes later, she was starting, stopping, turning, and cruising up and down the street on her own. I couldn't believe how fast she took to it. So proud of this little cookie!

...meanwhile, Charley played tee-ball with the boys and then followed her sister around until it was time to go in.

...while Grace took a shower, we worked on Char's homework, which included spelling her name a few times and drawing the letter 'X'. She doesn't get homework too often, but she loves doing it, because she feels like a big girl.

...Grace's turn was next, and she worked on list four of her sight words. She got them all down, and we were super excited, because she gets tested on them every Tuesday, and she was going to pass another list!

...Tuesday at gymnastics, Char worked on her cartwheels and the bar. She's come so far in the last couple of weeks, because she refused to even try a cartwheel by herself at Christmas time.

...Grace finally started back up in gymnastics and did so well. I was impressed for it being her first time in forever.

...Wednesday, we met the Luks at O'Callaghan Park after school. The kids had a blast playing on the slides, swings, and collecting pine cones for hopscotch.

...when we got home, Grace insisted on riding her bike, since she didn't get to on Tuesday. Char rode around with her and started doing this adorable skip mid-run.

...Thursday, Charley wore her cute new dress and denim shirt to school.

...Grace wanted to ride bikes again when we got home. It's all she wants to do now that she can ride on her own.

...we met Auntie Allison for Sushi, and Charley got down on a California roll.

...after baths that night, Daddy did homework with Grace, while Charley and I finished up the girls' Valentines to mail out and another set for each of them to take to school.

...Friday was their Valentine's Day parties, and they were so excited to share their goodies.

...Charley got her very first Valentine from her "boyfriend", Maddux, at school. When I walked into her class, she said, "Mom, look what Maddux gave me! A Valentine!! And then he just peed all over himself. Don't step in it. It's right over there." It was so cute and funny, and Char was so excited about her new squirrel.

...I custom ordered these sweet outfits for the girls to wear this summer. I can't even wait to see them all in them, because they look super adorable!!

...Saturday morning, we headed back to O'Callaghan Park. We spent a couple of hours there, because the girls brought their bikes and had a blast riding all around the walking path. They also played on the playground and kicked the soccer ball around with Daddy and Poppa Allen.

...when we left the park, we stopped for Slurpees and then headed home. On the way, Isaac and I kept trying to think of something else to do outside. It was gorgeous out (seventy-five degrees!), and we didn't want to stay inside. We stopped by Paradise Pointe Park to play some more instead.

...after playing for a while, the girls decided to try and eat sunflower seeds with Dad. They were cracking me up trying to get them out.

...we hiked up to the top of the park, and the girls decided that the horseshoe pits were actually for racing, so they had to race back and forth a few times.

...we officially have less than eighty days until Baby Perry arrives. I technically took this photo at 27 weeks, 5 days, but that's close enough to twenty-eight in my book.

...after the park, we headed over to the Coon's house to meet Baby Claire. She was so sweet and slept in my arms forever.

...of course, Charley had to get her baby fix in and snuggled with her on the couch, as well.

...when we finally got home Saturday, our new Rock 'n Play Sleeper had arrived, and I couldn't wait to put it together. It's so cute, and I can't believe we will have a tiny baby to put in it soon! (Plus, it rocks by itself! They didn't make these when I had Grace, and Char's had to be rocked with my foot all the time. Yay!)

...Sunday was Valentine's Day, and Charley gave us a sweet card that she made at school.

...after homemade biscuits and gravy for breakfast, we met the Ditatas at the park. The girls loved riding their bikes and climbing all over the place with their friends.

...we went to Lucille's for an early lunch where we all got down on some sweet tea, biscuits with apple butter, and BBQ ribs.

...I spent the rest of the day sorting through the girls' old clothes. I have to get them stored in a more functional way before we add another child to the mix! I had already started the baby stuff a few months ago, so this is all the 2T and up stuff that doesn't fit them at the moment.

Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day! See ya next week :)

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