Last Week...

...Gracie's class celebrated Nevada Reading Week this week. Monday was "Words on Your Shirt Day", so she chose her 'Turn Down for What?' shirt.

...for homework, she had all kinds of reading activities including read to your pet. She read her new book to Char and Toodles on Monday.

...Charley was in the bathtub, and Grace gave her my red lipstick. She put it on her face and got embarrassed when we laughed at her.

...Gracie made a caterpillar at school and carried it around everywhere with her this week.

...Isaac snapped some pictures of Char, while I put her hair up before gymnastics.

...Gracie worked on the trampoline, and then, after a million tries, finally did the front walkover on the octagon all by herself. We were so proud of her!

...Wednesday, Grace dressed up for Dr. Suess' birthday with Noah and Easton. They were so cute in their outfits.

...Charley found an acorn under the Sebastian's oak tree last week and has been hunting for them ever since.

...we played with some filters on Snapchat, and the girls thought they were hilarious.

...Thursday, my mom made my favorite homemade taquitos for dinner, so the whole family went over to their house after work. Of course, Charley had to hold baby Kaitlyn.

...Chase had fun watching movies with the girls. These cute cousins always have so much fun together. mom also gave me some really pretty flowers that brightened up our kitchen for the rest of the week.

(Thanks, mom!)

...Friday, Grace had pajama day at school, and her teacher sent me these pictures of her hunting for worms. She's so sweet to keep me included in their fun events even though I have to work during the day. We couldn't have gotten any luckier getting Mrs. Grant as Grace's Kindergarten teacher.

...since my birthday was Saturday, my mother-in-law sent me a delicious Edible Arrangement at work on Friday. I had been asking Isaac for one since Valentine's Day, so I was sure it was from him. As I was reading the card and noticed it said Craig and Lisa, they walked in with another Edible Arrangement from Isaac and the girls. Needless to say, we were eating fruit all weekend, and I couldn't get enough.

...we hit the thirty week mark during my thirtieth birthday week.

...Saturday, Isaac had to take some clients to NASCAR, so I took the girls out to Gilcrease Nature Sanctuary to celebrate our friend Camryn's second birthday. We had so much fun, and the girls couldn't get enough of all of the animals.

...someone accidentally let all of the goats out of their pen, and I thought the girls would be afraid of them. Nope. They jumped right in to help wrangle them back in.

...Bethany was the best and herded them right back in the gate with no problem.

...once they were in their home, we spent a lot of time feeding them all hay. The girls loved being able to pet them and feed them.

...when I was finally able to talk them into leaving the goats, we saw some huge pigs and then made our way over the bridge to check out the ostriches. 

...we sang Happy Birthday to Cam, and the little cutie blew her candle out right away.

...then we spent some time with the miniature ponies and more pigs before heading into the bird aviary with Linda. 

...these birds were hilarious as they talked and danced for us. The girls loved watching them get down.

...soon it was time to go. We said our good-byes, and Tony and Bethany made sure to send the girls home with all kinds of goodies.

(Love you guys! So glad we were able to celebrate with you. Happy Birthday, Camryn!)

...when we finally made it home, I talked the girls into giving me a foot rub while I napped. They're the best kids ever!

...we snuggled on the couch and watched some movies and the UFC fights that were on that night after Daddy got home.

...he spent his day at NASCAR doing all sorts of fun stuff.

...since it was my thirtieth birthday ( am I old enough to be thirty? I still feel like a kid!), Frannie came by with some baby stuff and the most delicious mini bundt cakes. Love you, Fran!

...Sunday, we headed out to the NASCAR track with Daddy for the big race. The girls loved sitting at the big tables sipping orange juice and hanging out on the roof where the cars are super loud.

We had an incredibly busy week! I can't believe there are less than ten weeks until Perry arrives. See you next week :)

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