Last Week...

...since it was Sprink Break, the girls stayed the night at Grandma Espejo's on Sunday night and spent the day with her Monday. They had so much fun that they napped on the trampoline after wearing themselves out.

...Charley even napped some more when I picked them up after work.

...Tuesday the girls had gymnastics. It's so incredible to watch Gracie's confidence grow each week. She just loves learning new skills, and the coach works with her so much to help her get things down.

...Charley snacked on her favorite food, avocados.

...Daddy entertained her while Gracie was at soccer practice.

...she kicked the ball around with Camden, while their big sisters were busy.

...we dropped Char off at school a little late on Thursday, since I had taken the day off work. She looked so grown up in her sweet little leopard outfit.

...Gracie had to have a filling and have a molar extracted as another one is coming in just above it. She was a little nervous and woke up with a tummy ache that morning. After they gave her the sedation medicine, she was pretty sleepy.

 ...she wasn't able to eat or drink anything after dinner the night before, so she kept waking up with this face saying, "I want waterrrr."

...soon enough, she went back for some laughing gas, and the doc got to work. They said, "we're going to put some numbing gel on your teeth.", and Grace replied, "I just love jelly!". They had a TV on above her, so she watched How to Train Your Dragon the whole time. I sat in the room with her, and it killed me when they took the tooth out, and I could hear the cracking. (Compared to that, the filling was a breeze.) It was so big, too. I couldn't get over how crazy huge their little teeth are!

...she was obviously a little out of it afterwards and had me laughing the whole way home. When I showed her the tooth, she said, "I want to hide it from the tooth fairy, so I can take it for show-and-tell tomorrow!".

...back at home, she slept for most of the afternoon, and Toodles kept her company.

...Friday we had our final ultrasound, and Perry looks perfect. They said she is about four pounds, seven ounces and estimate her to be about seven-and-a-half pounds at delivery. She kept her arms in front of her face the entire time, so we didn't get to see her sweet little lips. When they tried to get her to move, she stretched her legs out and used my ribs to push herself down even lower, so we really weren't getting a shot of her face. Little stinker!

...the girls had their Easter party at school, complete with an Easter Egg hunt and the cutest little bunny baskets that they made.

...we went to the District Friday night for dinner and stopped to see the Easter Bunny. Their printer was down, so we just took the pictures ourselves, and they gave the girls these cute little bunny backpacks with Easter coloring books inside. Those came in handy when we went to eat at Lucille's and they spent the whole time coloring in them.

...Saturday was Gracie's first soccer game, and we couldn't be more proud of her. She's come such a long way since last season and was so involved. She wasn't afraid to run into people, kick the ball, and even saved a few of the other team's goals. At one point, a kid kicked the ball, it hit her right in the chest, and she just kept right on playing. Last season, that would have been the end of her soccer career. This girl is a tough cookie, and she is totally loving her team this year. Unfortunately, they didn't win, and she was pretty disappointed. There is always next week, kiddo!


...halftime selfies with Addy!

...when we were walking to the car, the girls spotted a few geese roaming around the field. They tried to sneak up on them, but the geese were too quick.

...we went to Five Guys for some cheeseburgers after the game, and Charley was so excited because she loves eating the peanuts while we wait for our food.

...we all napped when we got home, and Toodles took his last nap in my bed. We started kicking him out of the room and sleeping with the door shut, so he'll be used to it when the baby comes. He's finally started sleeping up in the girls' room again. Thank goodness!

...Gracie drew Joy from Inside Out for Charley. She did a pretty good job at it, too!

...we watched OU advance to the Final Four, and even Perry was excited.

...that night, the girls dyed Easter Eggs. They had a blast making all different colors, but their favorite were the tie dye ones. They were so into it and made some pretty cool rainbow eggs.

...they played with Snapchat some more, and these filters have us cracking up all the time.

...Gracie, the artist, drew me an Easter Bunny standing under a rainbow. This girl loves to color and does so all the time.

...we celebrated Easter Sunday with our family and had an amazing day relaxing with them all.

See you next week for Alex and Allison's wedding!

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