Last Week...

...Perry spent Monday morning doing some tummy time, while I did Grace and Char's hair before school. This girls is drooling all over the place these days.

...she admired my collage of photos of the girls over the years. I have to remember to print some out of her to add to it.

...we put together thirty backpacks full of school supplies to donate to kids that needed them for this coming school year.

...Kasie sent me this video, and it was the cutest thing ever. We love you, Jakson!

...Perry played with Kaitlyn, while sisters swam at swim lessons. It's really killing me to have something to do until 5:30 almost every weeknight. I can't wait until it's over, but I'm so glad it's been worth it!

...Char swam her little tushy off this week and is doing so much better!

...Perry continued to sleep with her arms up and her blankie over her face. I have to tuck it under her chin before I fall asleep every night.

...Charley wore the cutest strawberry outfit to school on Tuesday.

...Perry had fun in her play gym and is really getting the hang of hitting her hanging toys. was National Breastfeeding Week and thinking about it made me so grateful and proud that I've been able to nurse all three of my babies. There is nothing quite like having your baby nurse and look up at you with the most content face in the world. This is one of the things I missed most as Grace and Char grew, and it made me want another baby so badly. Since it took her so long to join us, I'm so much more patient and relaxed when Perry needs my attention for something. I've really enjoyed having her with me all day, every day, and it's going to be so hard for me to be away from her when she starts day care.

...she started using her feet to push down and arch her back up, and then scoots around. One day she started fussing on her play mat, and I found her like this.

...then later, like this.

...she goo'd and gah'd at me while watching the US women's soccer team play in the Olympics.

...we did tummy time where Perr showed off her baby blues and constant stream of drool.

...I had to get one without the bow to show off her fuzzy bear hair.

...she's three months old this week, and I can't believe it!

...we played outside, and Charley rode her bike with Grace, while Perry fell asleep sitting on my lap.

...a better look at her fuzzy hair...and her blankie on her face (again!).

...the girls made a video to send back to Jakson. His birthday isn't for a long time, so I'm not sure where Grace got that from.

...sleepy girl slept the day away at work.

...she was fascinated with herself when I flipped the camera around on my phone.

...we came across a baby lizard in the garage as we were leaving for dinner. He was so tiny! (That's a broken piece of chalk next to him.)

...Perry slept in Saturday morning and woke up in the happiest mood.

...she napped on Mommy.

...she did some more tummy time in her play gym.

...we took the girls out to lunch on Sunday, and they were loving the calamari. After we ate the whole plate, we told them what it was, and this was Grace's face.

...we made a pineapple upside down cake for dessert. We've been doing so well eating at home all week, so we let ourselves go out for a meal on Sundays and then make a dessert at home. That's our "cheat day", if you will. It gives us something to look forward to, because in the past when we've tried to just cut out anything and everything bad, we've failed after a couple of weeks. This seems to be making it easier. The girls are loving to help in the kitchen a lot more, too, which is nice.

See you next week!

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