Last Week...

...Perry slept peacefully at Grammy's, while the girls wrapped up their swim lessons.

...Grace and Char had their last lesson, and I am so proud of how far they've come. They are both swimming on their own all over the place at every pool we go to and don't even bring floaties along anymore. We are so grateful for Miss Kellie and are sad that we won't be seeing her every week anymore. She was the best swim teacher and was so great with the girls. If you're looking for swim lessons, we highly recommend Sunsational Swim School.

...Perr also slept peacefully at work on Tuesday. I could watch this baby sleep all day, every day. She's so sweet!

...Gracie lost one of her bottom teeth to bring the total to FIVE. Say what?!

...Perry is growing fast, and the Dockatot is still her bed of choice. She now likes to prop her leg up over the side while she sleeps.

...she's also talking up a storm lately, and our afternoon chats are one of my favorite things to do after work.

...Charley has been snuggly lately, and we've spent lots of time watching movies together. She's also loving the snuggle time with baby sister.

...we were all excited for "fryday". The girls get Starbucks every Friday, and this week, they both got the pink drink. It was way too sweet for me, but they loved it.

...Perry looked uber cute at work on Friday. I could eat her up.

...she watched TV Saturday morning, while Daddy worked, and I slept in a little. When big sisters joined us, they all chatted, and it was precious.

...we went to the Fashion Show Mall for some back-to-school shopping, and Gracie picked out this backpack and said, "This will be perfect for Toodles when he starts Kindergarten!".

...Perr hung out in her stroller and chewed on her blankie, as per usual.

...the girls found their red noses in a pocket on the stroller and insisted on wearing them around the mall.

...the loved watching the fashion show that started as we were walking from store to store.

...we may have overdone it on the shoes, but they were too cute to pass up. Char had to get a pair to match Grace and a pair to match Perry. Isaac and I also both got new Nike workout shoes.

(Seriously with those unicorn Vans...I'm obsessed.)

...Saturday night we went bowling with the Sebastians and the Bustamantes. The kids had a blast, and we later found out that Kelly will be Gracie and Easton's first grade teacher. Having so much fun with their family made Gracie much less afraid of first grade, and now she can't wait to start!

...Perry napped, while the rest of us bowled.

...we had so much fun watching the Rio Olympics all week with our favorites being swimming, gymnastics, and soccer. Of course, Perry had to dress up for the occasion.

...Char helped me peel potatoes, and we made the most delicious green chile for dinner. The girls thought it was too spicy, but Isaac and I ate it for three days straight.

...Perry did some tummy time, while we cooked.

...Daddy got a papaya at the store, and he and the girls tried it for the first time. No one was a fan, and we ended up throwing it out. It sure was pretty, though.

Here's to having another week in the books!
See you next time :)

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