Last Week...

...Perry and I hung out in the front, while Grace and Charley rode their bikes around the neighborhood.

...she worked on her rolling over skills and almost made it.

...the girls and I watched Homeward Bound, and Charley hated it. When the cat died, they were both crying. Then when it was found alive, Char really lost it. At the end, when the animals were all saved, she bawled, and I said, "See? Wasn't that a good movie?". She yelled between sobs, "No! I hate it." poor sensitive girl.

...we had some more beautiful sunrises this week.

...Perry napped at work, and I just wanted to snuggle her all day.

...she played on the floor at home, and she's getting better with her hands every day. Look at her holding that rattle by herself!

...Gracie had soccer practice, so Char brought her princesses along to keep her entertained.

...Perry was really rocking her "Pretty Eyes, Chubby Thighs" shirt.

...she fell asleep laying on me at bed time, and I soaked up the snuggles.

...she was not a happy camper when I woke her up to leave the office at the end of the day Wednesday. That lip!

...Char had her very first soccer practice, and she loved it! At the end when they all put their hands in the middle and said, "Go team!", she asked if they could do it again.

...I had meetings in my office Thursday, so I had to feed Perry in the bathroom in Rick's office. I laid her down in his big box of shirts, and she was loving it.

...Isaac took Thursday and Friday off to use up his vacations days and take a break form work. He hadn't had a vacation since December. He kept the girls home to spend some quality time with them on Friday, and they went hiking in Red Rock. They all had a blast, and now they keep asking if we can go again. These pictures that Isaac kept sending me throughout their day just melt my heart. I loved seeing them enjoying time with their daddy.

...that afternoon, Gracie had her First Grade Meet and Greet. We got to go see her classroom and talk to her teacher. Afterwards, she couldn't wait for Monday to start school.

...since it was still early, we took the girls to the movies and got milkshakes. We saw Kubo and the Two Strings, and it was pretty good. Charley made Life Saver rings while we waited for it to start.

...after the movie, we were going to meet Poppa and Gran at Grimaldi's for dinner. Since we had some time to kill, we stopped by the park to hang while we waited. Grace worked on the monkey bars and pushed Char on the swings, while Perry was just happy to be outside.

...the next morning, we went to Town Square to do a little last minute back to school shopping. The girls insisted we play in the park area for a while, so of course we obliged. We ran into the Mayville boys, and the girls had fun playing with them.

...back at home, Perry relaxed on the floor, while we cleaned up the house a little bit.

...we went to the Ditatas for dinner, but we couldn't stay very long, because Perry's eyes got super red and puffy. I think she has some sort of allergy to dogs, because her eyes seem to act up whenever we're around them. Some are worse than others, and some don't bother her at all. The girls had a blast dressing up and chowing down on some homemade pizza in the short time that we were there, though.

...Sunday was Camden's birthday party at Bounce U. We had Char's birthday there last year, and the girls were so excited to go play. They had so much fun jumping around and being crazy with their friends.

(Happy Birthday, Cam Cam!)

...Perry relaxed at home and made silly faces.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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