Last Week...

...Perry hung out in her pack 'n play at the office on Monday. She is loving to stand all the time nowadays and thinks she's so big when she does.

(Check out those two little teeth!)

...that night at home, she worked on her crawling skills, while we all cheered her on. She's sooo close!

...she snuggled with Mommy at bed time.

...Tuesday night, Isaac had to work late, so I took all of the girls to Grace's soccer practice, and it was freezing! Char, Perry, and I waited in the car for most of the time.

...since Daddy was still at work, I had double duty and ate a sandwich for dinner while also giving Perry her bath.

...we snuggled some more, and I could have sat there forever with her asleep on my chest.

...Clarabelle read The Christmas Story to the girls' nativity set the next morning.

...Perry dressed super cute for work on Wednesday. It's getting harder to get pictures of her sitting, because as soon as you put her down, she wants to crawl towards you.

...we played with Snapchat filters, and this one was definitely my fav.

...Char made the cutest ice cream cone Christmas tree at school.

...Gracie had her First Grade Winter Recital, and it was adorable. She was so cute dancing along to all of the songs, and Easton was definitely the comic relief.

...we love these kiddos so much. They're the cutest BFFs!

...the girls watched their iPads on the stairs. I'm not really sure why...Daddy just found them like this.

...we spent all day Saturday at the soccer field, because Gracie played in a tournament with her friends Mariah and Jensen. Char and Perry bundled up, because it was pretty cold that morning.

...the girls kept busy playing together in between games.

...Grandma Espejo and Auntie Elisha came to watch, so of course Char had to hold Brielle. Poppa and Gran stayed with us all day, and they surprised us with warm coffees and hot cocoa from Grouchy John's food truck at half time. We're so thankful that most of our family lives here in town and that they come support our girls whenever they can. We love you guys!

...we had so much fun with everyone and had a blast cheering on the Snowflakes. They played great and won their first three games pretty easily. We ended up meeting the first team we had beat in the Championship and lost by one point. The girls got Finalist medals, and we were so proud of them.

...after they got their medals, we let Grace pick any restaurant she wanted for dinner, and she picked Buffalo Wild Wings. We ate there and then met the Gerfys at Ethel M's to check out their Christmas display. They always have so many lights, and spending an evening here every year is one of our favorite traditions.

...Charley dressed Perry up like the princess she is, and Perry loved chewing on her wand.

...we watched the Titans get another big win, while Grace took over my camera and snapped pictures.

...Perry and I rocked in the chair in our bedroom, while Daddy napped on the couch.

...when he woke up, he played blocks with Perry.

...then it was her turn to take a nap on the couch.

...she is seriously the most ticklish baby you've ever seen. I had her giggling, while I tickled under her chin and squeezed her squishy thighs.

...she snacked on her toes.

...and took another nap.

...meanwhile, the girls colored a gazillion pictures. Coloring is easily their most favorite thing to do. Grace made this sweet picture of our family that is now hanging on our fridge.

That's all for now. See you next week!

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