Last Week...

...our Christmas cards got lost in the mail this year. They said they were delivered, but they never showed up. I called and filed a complaint with UPS, and then they showed up four days later. Needless to say, we were a little late getting them out this year. Luckily, I always order them early, so it was still before Christmas. This might be my favorite one ever, because I love the glitter, plus all three of the girls look precious. (Really, with that hand, Char?!)

...Monday morning before work, I sat Perry on the floor, so I could get dressed. I came back to see her halfway under the bed. 

...her top tooth has been teasing her for a few days, and she started sucking on her top lip recently, resulting in the silliest faces.

...we had our holiday party at Sunstate that afternoon, and Perry got to meet Jose. He was Rick's very first employee, which basically makes him family. Max also worked there for many years before retiring, and it was so great to see both of them.

...Char put Perry's DockATot in the middle of the living room and put her in it, while I was folding laundry. Perry was happy to hang out in there for a while.

...she was super excited to leave the office on Tuesday, because girlfriend and I were going to Target.

...Daddy snuggled with her that night, and her cheeks looked extra plump.

...she was excited to wear her bubblegum hoodie jumper to the office Wednesday. This girls is always so happy in the mornings. She lights up every time she sees one of us for the first time. These grins were the result of Gracie coming to say "good morning" to her.

...Daddy fed her sweet potatoes mixed with apricots, and she was not happy when they were all gone. The way she eats cracks me up.

...she was obviously tired on Thursday and passed out while watching Book of Life in her sleeper.

...she got more sweet potatoes for dinner that night.

...we snuggled at work on Friday, and Perry slept so peacefully in my arms.

...our neighbor, Miss Susie, brought over the most delicious tray of Christmas treats when we got home from work.

...Friday night, we celebrated Christmas at Poppa and Grandma's with our cousins. The girls had so much fun playing with Tanner, Hunter, and Maddie. Poppa showed off Uncle Perry's guitar and helped Perry open her gifts. We love when we all get together over there, because it's always such a good time.

...I finished hanging our Christmas cards on the hallway pop out. This is one of my favorite parts of December. It's always a treat to get the mail, and we love seeing all of our friends and family hanging in the entrance when we come home each day.

...Saturday was Christmas Eve, and Perry was tired just from getting ready. She took a nap, while we waited for the girls to finish up.

...we headed over to Papa Rick's and Grammy's for our annual Christmas celebration.

...the girls had fun playing Jenga and running around with Chase.

...I couldn't get over how adorable they looked with their Santa bags.

...Perry started opening presents first and loved ripping all of the paper up. Since she went ahead and started, everyone opened all of their gifts and gave her the paper to play with.

...after the gifts, we hung out with Grammy, while Daddy loaded up the car.

...we had so much fun spending the day with everyone, but it was time to head home and get ready for our own Christmas.

...we had a magical Christmas day with lots of family time, but we weren't done yet. Stay tuned for even more Christmas celebrations next week!

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