Last Week...

...Perry wore her cutest Santa outfit to work on Monday and fit right in with my Christmas decorations.

...she played with her Pooh blocks when we got home.

...we went to Lucille's for dinner where we celebrated Auntie Allison's 25th birthday, and Perry got her first taste of sweet tea.

...since we were passing by Santa's house, we had to stop in to say "hello".

...Perry slept so sweetly in her DockATot that night.

...we played peek-a-boo at the office on Tuesday.

...Charley made the cutest gingerbread house at school, and even used pink candy canes for us girls and one blue one for Daddy.

...Grace drew a picture of Perry with a pink headband.

...Wednesday at work, Perry started doing this weird thing like she had the chills, only she kept doing it over and over. I thought it was a little weird, so I took a video for Isaac.

...when we got home, she played with her sisters and tried so hard to crawl.

...we got her dressed for Charley's Christmas recital, and she played with her puzzles, which are now one of her favorite things. She also started doing the weird chills thing again, and it really freaked Isaac out. I started Googling "baby muscle spasms", which has to be one of the scariest things to Google. I found all kinds of scary things it could be, which really got us both freaked out.

...we made it to Char's recital, and despite having a panic attack, we managed to make her feel like she was the cutest thing in the world, while we watched her sing with her friends. Grace stood in the back with Daddy, crying quietly, because she was so worried about Perry. 

...I called the doctor during a break at the recital, and he suggested we go to the ER just to be safe and make sure it wasn't infantile spasms (the scariest thing on Google). Grandma Espejo picked Grace and Char up, and Isaac and I took Perry to St. Rose Siena. (Of course, Charley had to hold Brielle the second she got to Grandma's.)

...we were at the hospital for under an hour, and the doctor reassured us that it wasn't anything to be concerned with. He was glad we had it on video to show him what it looked like. While we were there, my mom (who was in California with some friends) said that her friend's granddaughter did something similar when she was a baby, and it was just reflux. The doctor came back in and told us he had 1,000 guesses, but he thought it may be reflux and that she would maybe do it a few more times and then never again. He felt more sure of it when I told him how she would projectile spit up when she was a smaller babe. I felt better, but I still stayed up most of the night staring at my baby and praying that she was healthy.

...the next day, we woke up to cloudy skies, and the girls all wore their matching red sweatpants. Gracie had winter workout gear day at school, so it was perfect.

...I stressed about Perry for most of the day, even though the doctor said she was fine. She only did the chills thing once or twice all day, and didn't have any clusters of it like she had before.

...Daddy gave her some extra lovin' when he got home from work.

...I saw these awesome breastfeeding pictures going around Facebook, so I made my own and loved it. Feeding life into my littlest babe as she falls asleep is one of my most favorite things.

...she slept so peacefully and ended up next to me in bed.

...Friday came with tons of rainbows. Literally, every time I looked out my office window there would be another one. I counted eight different ones. When does that ever happen? I really felt like God was telling me that my rainbow baby was just fine and that I didn't need to worry about her. It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders, and I could just relax and have some peace of mind.

...meanwhile, Perry watched Book of Life and was as happy as could be.

...I even turned her into Rudolph as she slept.

...Gracie had pajama day and a Christmas-filled sock exchange at school, and Easton had to stay home sick. Shelly said Grace ran straight up to give him his sock when she brought her and Noah home from school. She loves her BFF and missed having him at school all day.

...Perry finally started to enjoy her Dory jumper.

...Grace drew Manolo, Maria, and Joaquin from the Book of Life for Perry. She did a pretty good job, too!

...Perry loves to watch herself on videos, and it cracks me up. She just stares at her sweet, little face.

...Saturday, the girls all wore their "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" shirts and looked so adorable.

...we dropped the big girls off with Grandma Sunshine, and Perry had fun driving.

...really, they all slept while drove out to Grandma's salon.

...Grace and Charley had a sleepover with Grandma and Papa Craig that night, and they had so much fun.

...Perry finished Christmas shopping with Mommy and Daddy.

...the girls went to the Magical Forest at Opportunity Village that night and had a blast. They haven't stopped talking about it since. We've never been, so we'll have to be sure to check it out next year.

...meanwhile, Perry rolled around with no clothes on.

...Sunday morning, Grandma brought the girls home, and we headed to The Smith Center for our annual Nutcracker tradition. We had so much fun, and, as usual, it didn't disappoint. 

...we all went to bed early Sunday night after a long, eventful week.

Next week is Christmas, and WE CAN'T WAIT!!

See you then :)

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