Last week...

...since we were off the Monday after Christmas, we all got to sleep in. Perry really loved her new, bigger DockATot and slept in an hour and a half later than usual. Score!

...she ate puffs for breakfast and played with all of her new toys, while Grace and Char showered and got ready for the day.

...once we were all dressed up, I fed Perr and snapped some pictures of the girls before we left the house. Perry's sherpa collar may be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

...we met the Unertls at Dave and Busters to play and exchange gifts. I love seeing the kids play together, and we love seeing our BFFs that we miss so much.

...they're the cutest little friends.

...back at home, we played with Perry's new train from Auntie Geni, and she loved to pull the blocks out as I put them in.

...after Zeke was pulled from the game Monday night, it was official that I won our Fantasy Football league this year. Whoop Whoop!!

...Perry went to bed early and was still loving her new DockATot.

...Grace and Char had a sleepover at Grandma Espejo's and spent the next day playing with Presley and baby Brielle.

...after work, Perry played on the floor and showed off her squealing skills. She always sees her hand fly by her face and then looks at it in awe. It cracks me up.

...we headed up to the cabin after work on Thursday since we had Friday off work. We caught the prettiest sunsets as we drove up the mountain.

...Perry's top tooth is coming in, and she spent most of the weekend sucking in her lips when it was bugging her.

...Charley tickled Perry to make her laugh and ended up making herself laugh even harder. This girl belly laughs every time she laughs, and it always makes everyone around her laugh, too.

...the girls wore matching jammies and went to bed watching Book of Life (because that's all we ever watch anymore).

...the sun rises later up at the cabin, so we were all awake to watch it rise over the snow covered mountains. It's so peaceful up there.

...the girls brought their Aquabeads and played with them while breakfast cooked.

...meanwhile, I snuggled with Perry in the rocking chair.

...Char saw Grammy outside building a sledding path by the big tree out front and headed out to help her.

...soon enough, Grace was out there, too.

...Grammy got a good little path going, and the girls had fun sledding and making snow angels.

...Perr Bear napped the day away inside.

...Charley kept eating snow and was so excited when she found a baby pine cone.

...Papa Rick and Daddy spent most of the day out riding on the snow mobiles. Since it was Friday, and most people were still at work, they had the mountain all to themselves.

...Perry finally woke up and joined us outside for a minute. She and Grace look so much alike!

...we spent Saturday making an even better sled path on a bigger hill and had a fun New Years Eve at the cabin. 

...when we got home on Sunday morning, Perry's tooth was really bothering her. She wanted me to rock her and would cry whenever I put her down. I ended up holding her for hours, while the girls played with their new Christmas gifts, and Daddy went to three stores getting the right equipment to mount our TV. (We bought a new one for upstairs last year and hardly ever use it, so we swapped it with the downstairs one.)

...while he was gone, I got my new Keurig set up and had some green tea. He called to see what we wanted from Capriotti's, and Perry loved seeing him on my phone. We get terrible service where we live, so we have to Facetime every time we need to call each other.

...for Christmas, Isaac got me the sweetest magnetic picture to hang downstairs, so I printed out some pictures and got it hung on the wall.

That's all for now. I can't believe we're in 2017 already. See you next week!

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