Last Week...

...Monday night, Perry couldn't wait for bath time.

...she found herself in the tub drain and made sure to keep an eye on that baby, while she played.

...she has become a total pro at sitting up and crawling around the tub without her bath seat.

...after I had her all swaddled up and ready for bed, I noticed that her binky still had her name tag on it from school - Perry E.

...she slept so sweetly with her blanky, while I admired her every feature.

...I folded some laundry and couldn't help but swoon over Perr's stash of hoodie jumpers. They're one of our favorite, coziest things for her to wear when it's cold out. 

...she was so sleepy after school on Tuesday.

...Char Char got her to perk up a little and watched a movie with her.

...she loved flying over Mommy and gave us some big, cheesy smiles.

...Charley took selfies on my phone.

...and left me at least one hundred identical to this one.

(Those lips, though!)

...Gracie brought home a story about why she would not like to live in a snow globe (spoiler: it's because she would be scared when people shook her all around) and a cool picture she made of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She also practiced her math facts with her Double Fact Gum that she made at school, and showed us her new year's resolutions. They included reading better, coloring better, riding her bike more, and picking up her toys.

...Perry looked so sweet in her blush blanky, but she was not a fan of the camera flash.

...she wore Grace's old pear outfit to school, and it was perfect on her.

...she also made some cool projects at school this week like this sweet kitty and a penguin.

...we made her mac and cheese for dinner, and she tried her hardest to feed herself the slippery noodles.

...she's been walking between furniture lately, but she's too scared when there is nothing for her to hold on to. I've been trying to bribe her a little bit every now and then.

...she's mastered crawling, though, and followed me all the way around the staircase in the middle of the house. I love that little pouty lip at the very end.

...she got her very first pony and rocked it in the bath tub.

...I tried to get a picture in her cute jammies, but she just gave me the saddest look like "can't I just go to bed?". Then she passed out in record time.

...she wore her new mint hoodie jumper on Friday and tried out a pony for the first time at school. rained all day and well into the evening, which we loved.

...Char brought home a doctor's bag and a picture of her arm with band aids on it. Her class learned about first aid this week at school.

...she also finger painted her name. She asked me what my name was, and I said, "Courtney". She said, "No! Like mine is C-h-a-r-l-e-y. What's yours like that?".

...Saturday morning, Perry and I got ready first and waited patiently on everyone else.

...she practiced walking around the ottoman while playing with her Beat Belle.

...Toodles napped on the bed and looked so cozy.

...we took the girls to Town Square to get some brunch at Brio. They had the best french toast, and even Perry loved chowing down on it.

...after breakfast, the girls had a blast running amok and playing in the playground.

...Gracie helped Perry go down her first slide, and then they wanted to take her down over and over again.

...Perry played with her big sisters and kept up with them pretty well.

...I love the love that these gals have for each other. It melts my heart on the daily.

...after we played, Perry hung out in her stroller while we shopped around.

...we went to Oli's birthday party that afternoon, where Perry tried pineapple, and Grace and Charley had fun playing with all of their friends.

...Sunday morning, we watched the playoffs, while Perry ran around in her diaper and Charley snapped silly pictures with my Canon. It was raining again, so she made sure to get a shot of it out the window.

...Perry napped peacefully, while the rain fell outside.

...I snuck her into her pack 'n play where she continued to snooze away.

...when she woke up, Daddy treated her to an Oreo, and she was in heaven.

...obviously, we had to change her clothes after that one. She loved wearing Daddy's hat around the living room. was back to watching the baby in the bath tub drain that night. We wave "hi" to her, and Perry cracks me up, because she always has to keep an eye on her.

...after her bath, she looked so sweet in her PB unicorn towel.

Another busy week in the books.

See you next time!

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