Last Week...

...Perry snacked on Cheerios and bananas after school.

...she was super excited about it and kept spilling them everywhere.

...she had tacos with us for dinner and devoured her taco meat and avocados. She didn't want the waffle wheels, because she hates baby food anymore.

...she grinned in the bath tub.

...I got her the cutest unicorn socks, and they finally came in the mail. I can't wait to get them on her.

...this chunk slept like a rock in bed that night.

...every morning when I drive to work, I am in awe at the snow covered mountains shining in the sunrise. This picture really doesn't do it justice. After all the rain we've had, the city is looking beautiful surrounded by all of the snowy, white mountains.

...Perry's teacher had me give her the OK to start her on regular foods instead of the pureed baby food. Her first breakfast was pineapples, so they sent me some pictures.

...Perry played at school, and of course she found the Pooh toy. He's her favorite.

...she made the sweetest heart prints for the Valentine board outside of her classroom.

...I caught a gorgeous sunset on the way to my nail appointment.

...Perr wore her new heart bow and was too excited to sit still for a picture.

...Charley danced with her after school. Perry loves when her big sisters play with her.

...we made baked BBQ chicken, sweet potatoes, and mac and cheese for dinner. Perry ate a little bit of it all and loved it.

...after dinner, she played in the bath. This kid loves to chew on wash cloths and always has one eye on her reflection.

...she played with her friend Niko at school.

...she napped in her swing. Miss Dawn is the best for texting me pictures all the time. I love seeing her name pop up on my phone at work.

...we read her favorite Jellycat books.

...this girl is always on the move. She crawled around and walked with her zebra walker all over the living room. Obviously, Charley was a little excited.

...Thursday night, Grace was complaining of a stomach ache and threw up all night long. I decided to stay home with the girls Friday, which was the best plan, because I woke up with it around 5 am. We finally bought the Trolls movie and spent the day watching it over and over again. Gracie was feeling better, and the girls were so great helping with Perry and entertaining themselves, so I was able to nap a few times throughout the day.

...Perry stuck to her school schedule and took her morning nap in her swing. This kid will sleep through anything.

...she also entertained herself with paper towels. She likes to rip them up and use the two pieces as pom poms to cheer on her sisters. Whenever we say "yay" or "go, go, go", she does this with her arms. She might be the cheerleader of the bunch.

...I tried to keep away from her, but baby girl wanted to snuggle, and I couldn't tell her no. Thankfully, she never did get it.

...everyone was feeling much better Saturday morning, so I quickly braided Grace's hair so we could get out of the house. She made me take a picture to see what the back looked like.

...we went to baby Ava's 4D Ultrasound, and although she had her hands and feet in her face most of the time, we got to see her chunky thigh rolls, her sweet cheeks, and she even crossed her ankles right in front of her face, which was adorable. We love her already and can't wait to meet her.

...after the ultrasound, Daddy decided to take the girls to Dave and Busters. Charley fell asleep in the car with her lips on full display.

...we called the Gerfys on the way, and they met us there for dinner and some games. Grace played with Snapchat while we waited for our food.

...the girls had a blast playing the games and running amok. Grandma Sunshine even joined us, and they were so happy to see her.

...Perry napped most of the time, but she got in some race car driving with Grandma.

...when we got home, I thought for sure she'd be exhausted, but this little sweetheart was as happy as could be.

...Sunday morning, she snacked on teething wafers while watching Trolls (again).

...after her morning snack, she pushed her walker around the living room for a while.

...we finished our weekly Costco trip, and the girls played in their play room, while I put all of the groceries away. Daddy came down with the stomach bug, so he spent the day napping. Perry is the only one who didn't get it, thank goodness.

...Perry napped in her swing, while I hung out with my big girls. This girl always needs her beauty sleep, and I was happy for some time with Grace and Char.

...I sold some of the girls old dance clothes, and Perry helped me try them on for size for some moms that had questions. She loved the sparkles.

...the girls really needed some outside time, so we took Perry for a ride in the wagon. She loved it, and Grace and Char loved riding their bikes around the block, while I pulled the baby.

...Perry got her nightly bath before bed and looked as cute as ever. I seriously cannot stop taking pictures of this kid.

...I snuggled with my babe that night, while I watched TV. Mondays are always the hardest away from my girls, so Sundays call for extra snuggle time.

See you next week!

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