Last Week...

...Perry ate some tacos for dinner. Her favorite!

...she slept so soundly and was snoring on my chest.

...I got a call from school on Tuesday that she had thrown up, and I had to come pick her up. Apparently, she started crying when she saw the Easter bunny and worked herself up, because she was fine the rest of the day. I grabbed her anyways and stopped by the house to give her a quick bath.

...she spent the rest of the day at work with me, where she snacked on strawberries and showed us how big she is.

...back at home, she drank water out of her favorite cup and read her princess book.

...I gave her a little spoon with some strawberry frosting, and she was in heaven.

...we snuggled in the chair while watching basketball, and she went to bed at usual 6:30 bedtime that night.

...Grandma Di sent me a picture of Isaac and Zac watching monster trucks with Papa Taylor, and I couldn't get over how much Char looks like Zacarias.

...our spring order from June and January came in, and the girls were so excited. I can't wait to put them in these super cute duds all summer.

...Perry tried hers on immediately and looked so stinking cute.

...we went to Grammy's to celebrate Auntie Geni's birthday, and Charley had to get in some baby time with Ava.

...Perr was pooped after playing with her cousins and fell asleep on the way home. I didn't skip out on my snuggle time, even though she didn't wake up when I got her out of the car.

...the next day, the girls wore their cutest J&J outfits to school, so I had to get some pictures when we got home, I love that they can match without being matchy matchy. It all coordinates so perfectly. With three girls, it's also nice that Charley and Grace can share the same size! They make the cutest sister squad you've ever seen.

...we spent the afternoon coloring with sidewalk chalk all over the streets and walls. Grace wanted a picture in front of her rainbow, which meant Charley also wanted a picture. I love that they can't get enough of the camera (because neither can I).

...Perry looked super sweet in her DockaTot that night.

...Charley made an Easter tulip at school with her hand print.

...we dyed Easter eggs after school on Thursday. We gave Perry one, and she just tried to eat it before throwing it on the floor, cracking it. Then Gracie took the shell off, and they shared a snack. We had neon sparkles, golden shimmer, and traditional egg dye packages, and we all had so much fun being creative with our eggs.

...Friday morning, Perry had to try out her FP mary jane moccasins, and they were adorable.

...she painted an Easter bunny at school. The teacher helped her with the purple dots, but she did the yellow and blue on her own. You can tell because she slams the painter down so hard that the dots aren't perfectly round.

...she also made a footprint butterfly and bunny to hang on the boards at school.

...we played in the garage while waiting for Daddy to get home so we could go to the District.

...we went to see the Easter bunny, and while Perry didn't cry so hard she threw up, she still wasn't a fan of him.

...Char loved him and looked so sweet in her little peplum.

...Daddy took Perry to the store Saturday morning to get fruit for Auntie Andrea's bridal shower, while I did Grace and Char's hair.

...we headed over to Grammy's and played with all of the babies, while we got ready for the shower.

...Allison did a great job, and the shower was so pretty in Andrea's pink and silver.

...Char hogged the baby, as per usual.

...Perry helped cook, and Gracie ate her weight in fruit, while we all hung out and chatted.

...Perry does not like to sit still for diaper changes. She always wants to get up and run away.

...I did manage to get her to sit still to watch Moana.

...we went to the Wetlands Park, where my sister Andrea took some beautiful spring pictures of our family.

...Perry ate honeydew melon for breakfast on Sunday.

...we celebrated Easter with lots of family and even more fun.

...Perry slept hard after such a busy week, and I couldn't help but wonder what she had stored in those cheeks.

See ya next week!

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