One to Remember {Easter}

These kids had quite the Easter. 

The bunny stopped by, and thanks to Grace leaving the Winder Farms jugs in front of the door (instead of putting them in the cooler), he tripped and made a loud enough sound to wake me up. Lucky for the girls, I snapped a few pictures of him.

He left some sweet goodies, and it was so fun to watch the girls check it all out. Charley was more interested in helping Perry enjoy her first Easter than anything else. She was so sweet saying, "Are you having fun, boo boo?" and "Do you want to wear my new necklace, boo boo?". She LOVES being a big sister.

My favorite thing that the Easter Bunny brought was these adorable Jellycat bunnies with the girls' names embroidered on the ears. (I actually won the purple one in an Instagram contest, and when it came in, I had to order two more.) Grace was in awe that the Easter bunny knew how to spell their names. 

When Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig arrived, the girls saw some eggs out the front door. They grabbed their baskets and it was off to the races to see who could get the most eggs. Daddy helped Perry, and she was so excited to find her first egg. I think she liked that she could shake it and it made loud sounds.

Meanwhile, these two crazies were finding eggs all over the back yard. 

We moved into the front, and they needed some help to reach the ones that were too high up for them.

Perry was having a blast with her two eggs. She couldn't believe there was actual candy inside.

After the girls found all of the eggs, they couldn't wait to open each one to see what treasure they had uncovered. The bunny was smart this year and filled most of the eggs with Shopkins instead of candy. You should have heard these girls squealing with delight at each new Shopkin they saw. It was the best.

We had to snap some pictures with their Easter gear on. I love that Perry likes to smile for the camera now. They looked so sweet in their coordinating J&J outfits.

The girls gave Papa some eggs to take home, but not before they posed for one last picture with their masterpieces that they made a few days before.

We had some donuts and hung out for a bit, and Perry loved her little chick chair that they brought for her. She kept crawling up into it and laying down on it once she warmed up to it.

We headed over to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's for lunch and another Easter egg hunt. The kids could barely contain themselves, and the hunt started as soon as we got there. They all got huge buckets full of candy and coins for their piggy banks.

Perr Perr and Brielle played together and were so cute.

Perry really loved her big basket full of eggs and kept checking for more jelly beans.

After lunch, it was off to Papa Rick and Grammy's for the final egg hunt of the day. The kids got their own bags with their names on them and tons of cute swimsuits and new outfits. They were more interested in the eggs (with even more candy and money inside). We had fun hanging out on the patio with everyone and relaxing after an eventful day.

We had such a fun Easter this year. The girls are getting so big, and it's so fun to watch them brag about how their mom got pictures of the actual Easter bunny and watch them try to include Perry in all that they do. Perry had a blast with her sisters doting on her and downing jelly beans like nobody's business.

We made sure that Perry received The Story of Easter in her basket this year and read it to the girls Easter morning. We try to make sure that they know the true meaning of each holiday instead of it just being another day where they are spoiled. They're so lucky to have so much family around them to love on them and make them all feel special. Thank you all for making this Easter one to remember.

Happy Easter!!
"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said." (Matthew 28:6)

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