The Best Birthday Ever {Newport Edition}

Almost every year since Grace was born, we've taken a trip to Newport and spent a few days in Disneyland. This year was no exception. Since Charley and Perry's birthdays are only five days apart, we decided that it'd be too much to do two separate parties. Perry obviously needed her own, since it was her first, so we decided to take Char to the beach and Disneyland to celebrate her birthday.

We left early Sunday morning and got to Newport around ten thirty. Our usual parking lot was packed full, but by some miracle, someone was leaving, and we got a spot right in front of the beach. After unloading the car and setting up all of our gear, the girls were ready to hit the sand.

Perry loved watching the waves from afar and kept pointing at them as they rolled in. She walked all over the beach, while Gracie and Char got out their buckets and shovels and started playing.

It didn't take long for these beach babes to get in the water. Gracie was the most excited (we've been calling her the Goddess of the Sea for years).

I was nervous to see how Perry would do, but she loved playing in the sand and shoveling it into her bucket over and over again.

Daddy finally got everything set up the way he wanted and made it into the water with the girls.

Perry wasn't a fan of the water at first. In her defense, it was pretty cold.

These girls didn't mind. They were chasing the waves all over the place.

While they ran amok all over the beach, I hung out with Perry, did some more shoveling, and wrote our name in the sand.

The girls took a quick snack break for some Lunchables and chips, and we all relaxed on our towels and soaked up the sun.

Gracie helped Perry make baby sand castles, and Perr loved destroying them with her shovel.

Then, it was back to chasing waves.

Daddy found a ladybug, and Perry was fascinated with it, until he put it on her leg. She immediately started stabbing at it with the handle of the shovel.

Gracie swooped in and saved the day. This girl seems to find ladybugs every where we go.

She spent a lot of time digging these holes, so people could wash their hands in them. The waves kept coming up and ruining them as soon as she'd finish.

Charley was so happy to be at the beach for her birthday. She kept telling me that it was the best birthday ever!

After another quick break to warm up, we all went down to the water, and Perry actually liked when the waves would get her. It was the first time she actually enjoyed the ocean.

This girl is always all about it. She makes me nervous, because she isn't afraid of the water at all.

Someone was feeling sleepy, so we took another break to snack on some berries.

These may be my favorite pictures of all time. I love how Daddy is just hanging with his girls.

While we were hanging out, a pod of dolphins started swimming in front of us and jumping around in the water. It was so cool to watch, and the girls loved it! Isaac told Char that they came to tell her "Happy Birthday". 

Perry slept right through it, and after another break to relax, we packed up all of our gear and headed towards Anaheim. We were trying to make it to Disneyland before the firework show, since they don't do it on weekdays until summer.

We had such a great day at the beach. We love Newport so much, and I love that my girls all love it, too. Hanging with them is my favorite. Especially on days like this <3

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