Last Week...

Photo of the Week: Playing at the District

...Poppa and Gran came over for dinner on Monday, and the girls had a blast getting Gran to jump on the trampoline with them, while Perry giggled along in her swing.

...I made a new slow cooker pork recipe, but it burnt, because I didn't get home quick enough. The middle was still moist, and Perry couldn't get enough. We'll have to try again with two roasts and see if it can last all day in there.

...Daddy came home from work, and Perry was super excited to have him home.

...she found Char's purse on the chair and went through it to see what treasures she could find.

...we snuggled in the La-Z-Boy at bedtime. 

...Grace and Char have been playing rock, paper, scissors every night to see who gets to get in the shower first. Grace has legit won at least ten times in a row. Charley was a little sleepy Wednesday night, so she didn't take too well to losing again. The end is the best.

...Perry starting making a new "cheese" face where she scrunches up her little nose and closes her eyes.

...girlfriend loves taco night, and she munched on the toppings, while the meat finished cooking. She loves tomatoes and always asks for more. That's my girl!

...she was exhausted and napped after school on Thursday.

...I gave her a bath when she woke up, and she wanted to wear her unicorn slippers.

...we went to Poppa and Grandma's to celebrate Kelli Jo's birthday, and Perry got down on some strawberries. Good thing she took that nap after school, because we got home late that evening.

...Friday was pajama day at school, and the girls couldn't have looked any cuter in their matching PJs.

...Perry wanted to nap again after school, so I passed out on the couch with her until Charley woke me up taking pictures of us. girl loves to hang her legs over the sides of her DockATot when she sleeps at night. She's getting so long, and I always notice it when she's laying down.

...we went to the Westin on Saturday for some pool time. The girls took turns hanging in Perry's floaty, and she loved playing with Daddy in the water.

...when we got home, Perr didn't even wake up when I took her out of the car. She napped for over three hours.

...that evening, we met the Keltons at the District for some Shake Shack and splash pad play time. The girls had a blast with Nolan and Acelyn, as usual. Charley was a little dancing queen and stood in front of the live musician dancing for anyone that would watch her.

...Perry thought she was funny on Snapchat Sunday morning.

...we went to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's to swim and hang out with cousins. I was so proud of how the girls were swimming across the pool on their own. They all had so much fun playing together in the water and diving for the diving toys Grandma had. Perry brought her Care Bears (her current favorite toys), and played with them in the pool again.

...after a while, we headed back inside for some lunch, and the babies played on the floor.

We had such a fun week! See you next time :)

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