Last Week...

Picture of the Week: 80's Day at School (check out their crimped pony tails!)

...after school on Monday, it wasn't absolutely miserable outside, so we let the girls play out front. It wasn't long before the Sebastians joined, and the kids wanted to fill water balloons. Perry loved playing in the water and couldn't get enough.

...Char pushed her around in her little truck, while we waited for them to fill up.

...the kids stole them faster than they were filling up. They had a blast soaking each other.

...when we ran out, they moved on to sidewalk chalk. We got some chalk paint for one of the girls' birthdays, and it was definitely a hit.

...Perry stole JJ's big wheel and ruled the streets.

...all of that playing really tuckered her out, and she passed out quickly at bed time.

...Perry loves Toodles, and is always waving "hi" to him, chasing him around, and sitting by the back door with him while smacking his tail.

...we went to I Love Sushi for dinner, and Perry ate her weight in rice, while also getting it everywhere.

...we went to Amelia's Two-ti Fruity birthday party on Saturday, and the girls had a blast playing in the splash pad with their buddies.

Happy Birthday, Amelia! We love you!!

...after the party, the girls had a swim date with Grandma Espejo, so we dropped them off over there. They had lunch with Presley, Paxton, and Brielle, and they were all being such goofballs.

...we kept Perry with us and headed over to the Gerfy's to hang out and get ready for fight night. Perry loved playing with Amelia and Claire...friends that are her size!

...she also chowed down on some pizza - one of her favorites.

...the boys were in charge of dinner, so we ended up with the most carne asada ever with all of the toppings.

...Perry fell asleep in my arms, so I laid her on the stair landing. She slept for a couple of hours and looked super comfy.

...Sunday morning, the girls got ready to head to breakfast, and Perry insisted on bringing this little unicorn purse. She loves to keep snacks in it along with Chapstick and some ponytail holders to be used as bracelets later on in the day, when she wants to be fancy.

...we ate at Rachel's Kitchen, and it was delicious, as per usual.

...we discovered that it was National Cheesecake Day, and we just happened to have two gift cards for the Cheesecake Factory. Surprisingly, it wasn't super busy mid-afternoon, so we grabbed an early dinner (and dessert!).

...back at home, we had to clean out the girls' fish tank. Grace thought the fish might be extra hungry, since we were in Utah for a few days last week, so she overfed them by a ton. Swishy and Poppy were happy to have fresh water again, and Perry loved watching them swim around. She kept waving at them and saying "hi".

Another week in the books. See you next time!

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