Red, White, and Blue-tiful

Happy Fourth of July!!

To start off our day of festivities, we met the Keltons and the Gerfys at The M pool bright and early. The thought was that we could swim all morning, get the kids home for afternoon naps, and then meet up for fireworks afterwards.

It worked out perfectly, and the pool was pretty empty first thing in the morning. We had a blast swimming around with the kids and eating our weight in chicken fingers and strawberry mojitos.

The girls were doing so great swimming all over the pool, and Perry loved being spun around in the water.

We had so much fun at the pool that day. They have a shallow shelf near the edge, so Perry was able to run free and play in the water. Grace and Charley loved swimming across the pool and playing games on the shelf, too. We'll definitely be heading back there soon. Since Perry missed her morning nap, she cried on the way home. Isaac said something like, "Perry is crying her balls off" and then had the girls asking, "what are balls?". I quickly recovered and explained that Daddy was talking about her eyeballs, but not before Charley could yell out, "dog balls!". It made for an interesting ride home. Thanks, Daddy. She did get her nap, but I was mean and made her take a bath first to wash the sunscreen off. I hate that sticky feeling after you've been in the sun all day.

After we had all recovered from our fun morning, the girls got dressed in their cutest red, white, and blue, and our friends started making their way over to the house. We played inside until the sun started setting, and then we headed out front for some fun.

The kids started with Pop-Its, while Isaac lit the smoke bombs.

Once we ran out, we broke out the sparklers and waited for it to get a little darker.

We were finally able to start the fireworks and had quite the show. Some of our neighbors went around the hill near our house and lit off the huge ones. We also had quite a few parties going on with fireworks lined up down the street. It was an awesome display, and we didn't have to go anywhere.

We had such a great day with some amazing friends. We're so blessed to live in the USA, and we definitely don't take our freedom for granted. Thanks to everyone that fights to defend it, and Happy Birthday, America!

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