Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Breakfast with These Goofballs

Monday morning, Perry woke up with the best bed head and copied Charley's dance moves, while I got ready for work.

Grace brought home some stories that she wrote at school, and she was SO proud of them.

Perry splashed around in the tub and blew bubbles in the water at bath time.

She looked so sweet all wrapped up in her towel afterwards.

Some more thunderstorms rolled in on Tuesday, so we played outside as the rain came down. The girls didn't care at all and were right out playing in it.

We went to Charley's soccer practice as the rain stopped for a while.

Perry ate gummy bears to keep her occupied. This girl just wants to follow her sisters on to the field and play with them.

Grace had me cracking up when she stole Daddy's hat and thought she was so cool.

Perry got some more samples from June and January's fall drop, which meant another back yard photo shoot with mom.

Grace's teacher posted a picture of the kids playing with mustaches. Obviously, Grace was too cool to participate.

Charley brought home a drawing of a dinosaur taking a bath, and it was spot on. 

We headed to Grace's practice on Thursday, and Perry got to kick her mini ball around the field this time.

Charley always practices with Grace's team on Thursdays, because her team only has one practice a week. Isaac ran a drill that matched the girls up one on one. Grace and Char eventually got paired up and went hard against each other.

A rainbow appeared near the end of practice, and the girls loved that they got to practice under it.

Friday morning was beautiful when we left the house. The sun was just barely coming up. This is always one of my favorite times of year. We've got soccer season, football season, and I get to see the sunrise every morning when I leave for work.

We had plans to go to the cabin over the weekend, but we had to cancel pretty last minute. The girls were super sad, because we had already told them and had planned on skipping work/school on Friday. Because they were so sad, we snuck Grace and Charley out of school a few hours early and took them bowling. They had a blast and got tons of our undivided attention without Perry there to distract us. We all had fun goofing around and being silly for the afternoon.

We picked Perry up a littler earlier than usual, and she was sleepy when we got home. She loves this little light-up aquarium and just wanted to lay on her elephant and watch it.

We decided to check out the Halloween store that evening. On the way, we spotted some kids in our neighborhood with a lemonade stand that were collecting donations for the Hurricane Harvey devastation. We bought a cup for $9.00, since that's all the cash we had on us. It made me so happy to see these kids doing this and made sure to explain how awesome it was to our girls.

When we got to Spirit Halloween, Grace danced around in a Trump mask, and it was hilarious. 

Perry wasn't afraid of anything and even mimicked the guy being electrocuted. She's a weird one.

We stopped to grab some dinner, and Perry said "chicken" for the first time.

She slept in (for once) Saturday morning, and it was so nice to get some sleep. Her canines are STILL working their way in, and it's killing our sleep routine.

We spent the day at the Green Valley Ranch pool with the Keltons. It was so nice to relax in the pool, and we sipped on pink sangria complete with pineapple cups that made the day even better.

Perry and Acelyn ate all of our fruit, so we had to order more.

We played with Care Bears, jumped into the pool a million times, and dug holes in the sand (which Perry hated). The kids had so much fun!

Sunday morning, we took the girls to Crepe Expectations for breakfast (it's one of our favorite places!). Grace goofed around with Daddy while we waited for them to open. You have to get there early, or there's no chance of getting a table.

After breakfast, we went to Cactus Wren Park to play for a bit and kick the soccer ball around.

Our busy morning really wore Perry out and she fell asleep in the car and then didn't wake up when I carried her inside.

After her nap, we went to the mall to do some shopping and grab some lunch.

We've had the girls' Halloween costumes picked out for a while and saw a lot of accessories at Spirit Halloween when we went on Friday. We headed back there to get some more stuff before it sold out and got their costumes ordered. They loved the big Jack Skellington and insisted we take a picture.

Perry sang along to MJ in the car, as usual.

Lake Las Vegas had a live band and firework show on Sunday night to celebrate Labor Day. We met the Keltons down there for dinner and the kids had a blast. The Luks, Grandma Espejo, Elisha and Brielle, and Presley and Pax joined us for the fireworks a little later. They danced to the reggae band and watched some paddle boarders and a guy with a water jet pack all decked out in lights on the water. When the fireworks started, Perry sat in Char's lap and wasn't scared at all.

We had such a fun weekend, and we still have Monday off for Labor Day!

See you next week <3

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