Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Football Season is Here! Go, Titans!!

Since Isaac and I had Monday off for Labor Day, we took the kids to Hash House a Go Go for breakfast, where they got giant hot chocolates.

Perry was more interested in the oranges than anything else.

She passed out on the way back home, so we let her nap all morning.

The girls had been begging us to decorate for Halloween, so we got to it that afternoon and spookified the house. While we were outside, Grace found two huge boxes of water balloons in the garage, and since the Sebastian boys were outside playing, too, we had a giant water balloon fight. The kids had so much fun, and even us adults were soaking wet when it was all said and done.

Back inside, Daddy taught Grace how to blow a bubble, and she was so proud.

Tuesday morning, it was back to work. Luckily, we had this gorgeous sunrise to wake up to.

It was our eight year wedding anniversary, so Isaac's mom sent us the sweetest edible arrangement. We didn't really get to celebrate this year, because our schedule is so full! That night we had soccer practice with both girls at two different times and at two different parks. We realize how blessed we are to have these wonderful things filling up our schedules. Happy Anniversary, Babe! Here's to many more.

Char brought home a picture of Molly Lou Melon and her tall bed. I was looking over her letters, and I noticed that her smiley faces had teeth and eyebrows. She said Mrs. Grant draws the smiley face, and then she finishes it. I just love that girl!

Grace read a book to Perry while we hung out at Char's soccer practice.

Perry also hit the sixteen month mark Tuesday, so I did a little update about what she's been up to.

The girls had picture day on Wednesday, and Kelli sent me this picture of Char and Tenley before school.

We had another thunderstorm roll in that afternoon, and the girls had fun getting soaking wet while it poured.

Perry wasn't wearing pants, so we had to get her dressed really quick when we decided to let her play out front. She loved watching the rain fall and couldn't wait to open her new pack of Care Bears when her package was delivered. Girlfriend is obsessed.

Charley went upstairs to shower, and I kept calling her down for dinner with no response. When I went to check on her, she was passed out in her bed.

I guess the rain is really exhausting, because Perry slept hard that night, too.

We headed to the doctor for Perry's fifteen month appointment at sixteen months...oops! She did great and had no reaction to her shots at all. I was pretty relieved to hear that she had already had every type of shot that she would ever get. That meant that she would never have a reaction, because she's already had them all. Phew!

The girls' new jackets came in the mail, and they were all so excited. Even though it was one hundred degrees out, they couldn't wait to try them out. We're gearing up for winter around here.

Perry slept like a log in her DockATot. She woke up to eat around nine, and then I snuggled her until I was ready to go to sleep.

She woke up in the best mood Saturday morning and proceeded to unfold allll of her blankies in the closet. 

Charley had her first soccer game and looked SO big and SO cute as we left the house.

Daddy warmed up on the field with her, since we were the first ones there. We had almost all of the girls' grandmas, poppas, aunts, uncles, and cousins there, and they were so excited that everyone came to watch them play.

I was so into the game that I forgot to take pictures. Char had two goals and played really well. Grace's game was immediately after, so we all booked it to Heritage Park and got there just after it started. Gracie scored a goal, and Isaac won his first game as head coach.

Every season with these girls just gets more fun. I'm so proud of them and look forward to every game. There is nothing like watching your kids play their hearts out on the soccer field, while you cheer them on (very loudly) from the sidelines.

Perry didn't get to nap at all that day, so she passed out early.

Sunday was finally the start of football season. We look forward to this day all year and couldn't wait to watch the Titans play. 

Perry had other ideas. She's been in love with these scary clown heads since we bought them and loves to push the button that makes them laugh and sing.

She napped during the second half of the game and then woke up and snacked on a pouch.

All you could hear upstairs was this loud clicking sound. Isaac went up there to find Grace wearing my new boots and dancing in the mirror. He took the girls to get Icees and the boots went right back on when they got home.

That's all for now. See you next week!

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