Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Crazy Cousins at Grace's Soccer Game

Monday morning, Perry woke up extra early and watched Tangled before we had to get ready to leave. Since she was up so early, she took a nap while we drove to school.

Grammy picked Grace and Charley up from school, so Perry and I went book shopping at Barnes and Noble before meeting Daddy for dinner at Outback.

She helped Mommy wash her hair in the bath that night.

Perry watched Tangled on her iPad, while she waited for her sisters to come home.

Tuesday night, we did lots of homework. Charley told me the story about George the dog.

Grace finished her math and then read me "How to Catch a Monster". It was so cute, and she loved it.

The next day at school was Pirate Day as the kindergarteners learned their final letter sound "rrrr". Notice Charley is the only one without her hat and eye patch on. Apparently, she's not that into pirates. Her excuse was that her hat broke.

Perry and I waited for the girls to get back from school. Her face is shiny, because she had vanilla pudding for snack right before I picked her up.

We played at Char's soccer practice, and Grace and Perry collected rocks and flowers before kicking Perry's ball around for a bit.

Grace is such a good big sister, and Perry just loves her.

Gracie brought home this WOW note from her teacher, and it was so sweet. It makes me happy to know that she's being kind and caring towards others even when I'm not around to watch.

Perry learned about fish at school and brought home these two projects.

She showed off her big 'ol belly, while we watched Tangled after school.

She has been really into fish lately, so we learned what sound they make. Perr pointed to the fish tank at school every afternoon, so we had to stop and talk to the fishies before leaving. (How adorable is she with her Care Bears backpack on?)

The girls watched TV, while I was making dinner. Every time Grace would move, Perry would get up and plop down as close to her as she could get. It was so sweet.

She got attacked by the tickle monster and let out some huge belly laughs.

I came across this while browsing Facebook and thought it was hilarious. This is basically what the girls sound like when they sing Despacito.

I had a super early meeting on Thursday morning, so I had to drop the girls off with my mom instead of at school. She packed her car up and dropped them all off for me a little later.

The girls have been doing a fundraiser at school, and Grace's class got enough pledges to earn a freeze dance party one afternoon.

Perry was being a weirdo on the couch that night.

This is a picture of when she went to bed for the night and then when I was getting ready to wake her up the next morning. She started off in her smaller DockATot in the pack n play and ended up in the big DockATot in our bed. Most nights, I just bring her into the bed when I am ready to go to sleep. I like to get my snuggles in with her whenever I can.

Charley's class hung out with Charlie Brown on Friday as they learned more about their Fundraiser.

Perry was outside on the playground when I picked her up from school on Friday. She was having so much fun and didn't want to leave.

When we got home, she took all of the wipes out of the box and was super proud of herself.

Saturday morning was packed full of soccer games. Grace's game was first, and we had fun with lots of family there to cheer her on.

Charley had the second game and scored four goals after I bribed her with a Shopkin for each goal she scored that day.

After her game, we played at the park for a little while with the Ditatas. Tenley and Charley have been playing together at school a lot, and Tenley wanted to come watch Char's game, which made her so happy.

On the way home, we stopped for sandwiches and then grabbed Slurpees. Perry passed out mid drink.

We put her in her bed when we got home, and she didn't budge. Girlfriend was tired.

That afternoon, the girls played in the backyard. They painted, colored, and found a baby lizard in the couch cushions.

After the excitement of the lizard, they jumped on the trampoline for a while.

After we went inside for dinner, Perry took a bath and looked so cute in her new Care Bear pjs.

Sunday morning, we got breakfast burritos from Faustos before heading to Presley's soccer game.

Perry chilled the whole game reading books and watching her cousin play.

After her game, we met Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig for brunch at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Paxton's second birthday.

Uncle couldn't wait to give him his gift: a remote controlled Grave Digger monster truck.

What a fun week we had. See you next week!

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