Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Visiting with Santa

Monday, Gracie got her permanent palatal arch put in. She did great, and forgot all about it after a day or two.

We made peanut butter blossom cookies after school on Tuesday, and the girls helped unwrap all of the kisses.

We did a little Christmas shopping, and Grace made Daddy text Santa everything she saw that she wanted.

Charley sang upstairs by herself and recorded it on her iPad. I love that I get their pictures and videos on my phone, so I can spy on them.

I went to the Vegas Strong Benefit Concert with my mom and sisters on Mom's birthday. The concert was awesome, and I totally fell in love with Imagine Dragons. They were amazing performers, and I can't wait to go see them live again. (Happy Birthday, Mom!)

I took the girls to get their annual Santa pictures. We opted for matching jammies this year instead of the fancy dresses we usually wear. Perry wasn't a huge fan, but the pictures still turned out adorable.

Since the studio is around the corner from Poppa and Grandma's house, we stopped by to visit with them for a bit. The girls always get snacks from Poppa when we stop by, so it's one of their favorite places to go.

That night, we celebrated Mom's birthday at the lake. We watched the Parade of Lights, and Perry gave Ava lots of love.

Sunday morning, we ate breakfast at Marie Calendar's and enjoyed their amazing blueberry banana bread.

After breakfast, we stopped by the park in hopes of wearing the girls out. We had big plans that night, and we really wanted them to nap beforehand.

Grace and Char tore up the monkey bars. They're so good on them now, since they practice at school every day.

After long naps all around, we got ready and headed to T-Mobile Arena for the Golden Knights game.

We had a blast, as usual. I really wish we would have known how much we were going to love hockey when the team was first announced. I would have bought season tickets way back then before they got so expensive. At this game, they handed out Vegas Born towels on the way in, and it was so cool to see them in action as the game started.

Perry took her usual second period nap.

The girls visited Uncle Zac and Auntie Stef during a break, since they were sitting on the other side of the arena.

We ate yummy snacks and cheered the Knights to victory.

Another fun week down, and only a couple more to go in 2017!

See you next week.

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