Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Go, Knights, Go!!

We celebrated Christmas on Monday with lots of family time and fun traditions.

The rest of the week was filled with early bedtimes after such a busy previous week.

We took Thursday and Friday off of work and headed up to the cabin for a much needed long, relaxing weekend. There wasn't a ton of snow, but there was enough to get the kids excited, and the whole weekend was in the mid-fifties and gorgeous!

Grammy made homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner, and Perry could not wait to eat it.

She loved the sound it made when she slurped it off her spoon.

After dinner, Charley grabbed my camera and took lots of silly pictures.

It was finally time for the Knights game to start, so we all got our shirts on and pulled out a win thanks to our "good luck puck" that we remembered to bring with us. We always win when this thing is out at game time, so it's become a thing for us to have it sitting out in the open during a game.

Perry woke up early Friday and checked out the cereal box while she ate some for breakfast.

We got her ready and took some pictures of her new June and January swag to post on their page. I am totally loving this mint tally skirt for spring!

After playing outside for a bit, Perry was ready for a nap. I took advantage of the situation and snuggled with her on the recliner.

When she woke up, we headed out front to join Papa Rick, Daddy, and sisters in the snow. We all took turns flying Daddy's new drone around the trees and only crashed a few times.

We headed out on to the balcony for some coffee and singing. Perry's favorite song is currently "Five Little Monkies", and she'll just run up to you yelling "monkeys! monkeys!" whenever she wants to sing it. It's the cutest!

Grammy and the girls started building a snowman, so we went down to help. We literally used up all of the snow, and the girls had a blast.

We went for a little hike to find some rocks and sticks to use and stumbled on the fairy castle. Grammy explained to the girls that it was too cold for them to come out in the snow.

Papa brought us some Oreos and peppers from the kitchen, and Mr. Snowman was complete.

We hung out on the balcony, drank some more coffee, and then went to Hot Mama's for some pizza.

Saturday morning, we relaxed and took our time getting ready for the day. Perry loved the huge windows everywhere and would always hang out by them and watch what was going on outside.

The girls ate Lunchables and then got dressed to go play outside.

We brought their awesome hockey set that the Halls got them for Christmas, and everybody had fun playing hockey in the driveway.

Grace wanted to play goalie (she's obsessed with Oscar Dansk), and she had me cracking up as she tried to keep Daddy from scoring.

Once everyone was nice and cold, they headed in to the fire to warm their toes up. Of course, Perry had to join her big sisters by the fire.

They took over Aunt Jessie's lap, while I helped mom cook some dinner.

Sunday was New Year's Eve, and the Knights had an early game, so we all got ready in our Knights gear. Perry hung out in her DockATot while the rest of us finished getting ready.

After taking a few pictures by the barn, we made some breakfast, lit a fire, and got ready to watch the boys kick some butt.

That evening, the girls wore their matching jammies and kept talking about how excited they were to watch the ball drop...I'm not sure they even know what that means. Grace kept asking about it, and we kept explaining it. Really, though, what does a ball dropping have to do with starting a new year in a seven year old's eyes?

Papa gave the girls some ice cream after our huge dinner and platefuls of appetizer snacks.

Not surprisingly, the girls all passed out before the 9:00 ball drop in NYC. Isaac and I watched it and then kissed all the girls good night and went to sleep.

We're so blessed to have these three sweet girls running our lives. I can't wait to see what all of us accomplish this year. 2018 is going to be a big one for us, and we couldn't be more ready for it.

Happy New Year!!

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