Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Winter's Village at Green Valley Ranch

Charley woke up Monday morning to find Clarabelle being silly. She asked me to take a picture with her on her phone (my mom gave her an old iPhone that has no service, and she loves that it makes her feel like a big kid).

The girls were able to go Christmas shopping at school this year. Everything was two dollars, so I gave them each twenty, and let them buy gifts for our family. They picked out something for all of us along with a few things for some of their grandmas and papas. After school on Monday, they couldn't wait to wrap all of their gifts and put them under the tree. They did a great job, and it was so fun to see their excitement about giving instead of receiving.

We received The Giving Plate one evening with the yummiest cookies. We had to refill the plate and deliver it to another neighbor so it could get passed around the neighborhood. The girls had fun sneaking it onto someone's doorstep, and of course, eating all of the cookies.

Clarabelle left the girls a fun surprise before school, and Perry had fun playing with all of the stickers when we got home that evening.

One of her teachers sent me this picture of her playing with whipped cream in class. The expression on her face just cracks me up.

Charley's class had fourth graders come do reading time with them. Noah's class was paired with Char's, so they got to be buddies and read to each other. 

I officially stopped breastfeeding Perry on Thursday night. She cried for about twenty minutes before falling asleep. She only woke up once that night, drank some water, and went back to sleep. She has been the easiest baby, so far.

Charley brought home this crazy monster that she made in art class, but she was upset because the legs broke off in her backpack.

Perry continued to sleep well without nursing.

The girls and I cleaned out their backpacks from all of the work they did this week. Gracie wrote a sweet note about loving her family.

Perry glued tissued paper on a letter 'L', colored a gingerbread man and a letter 'M', and made a fluffy polar bear. She cracks me up when she colors, because this kid does not like to leave any blank spots on the entire page. I think that's pretty good for being only nineteen months old.

Charley worked on her verbs and drew pictures to go along with them.

She also wrote about herself. The top right picture says to draw a picture of the word that best describes you. Char drew a picture showing that she's a good friend.

Gracie played with a face filter app on her iPad and left me some hilarious pictures and videos.

Saturday night, we made a big pot of chili and had Poppa and Gran over for dinner. After we ate, we drove around looking at Christmas lights. We were disappointed that Quiver Point didn't have their huge display this year, but we found some more awesome spots around Henderson. These are a few of our favorites.

Early Sunday morning, Perry read The Nutcracker to Char and me.

We took the girls to Winter's Village at Green Valley Ranch for some ice skating. I thought it was going to be a little cheesy, but it was so much fun.

The girls all had a blast ice skating to Christmas music and even took their jackets off, because it was so beautiful outside.

When we returned our skates, it started "snowing".

Auntie Elisha hooked us up with a fire pit where the girls drank hot chocolate and Perry downed an entire cup of whipped cream.

We roasted marshmallows for s'mores (that are amazingly delicious and made in-house from scratch) and decorate sugar cookies. Only in Vegas could we be doing this while other hotel guests were swimming in the pool right next to us.

On the way home, Gracie made some more silly videos.

We celebrated Christmas with Alex, Allison, and Ava that night since they were heading to Ohio for the holidays. We ordered Five Guys burgers, and Perry thoroughly enjoyed her grilled cheese sandwich. We watched the Golden Knights play and enjoyed playing with baby Ava so much that I forgot to get pictures of the kids opening their gifts.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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