Kickoff to Easter Weekend

The Friday before Easter, there was an Easter egg Hunt at Floyd Lamb Park. 

Jen and I wrangled up the kids and headed over there after work. As soon as we arrived, the ducks and geese greeted us.

We also saw some bunnies and peacocks hanging out. I was amazed at how calm they were just laying around while we walked right up to them.

As we moved on to the other side of the park, this peacock was on full display. 

There were more bunnies sleeping under the building to stay cool, too. Others were wondering around, and some were as interested in the kids as the kids were in the bunnies.

It took Perry a little while to muster up the courage to leave her stroller, but she finally did it.

We saw the tiniest, cutest baby bunny and watched him hop back up to the building with the others. The girls really wanted to take him home.

Char and Grace took care of the little ones, while Jen and I waited in line for our petting zoo and egg hunt tickets. They walked them over by the horses and made sure they didn't get lost.

Then we made our way over to the Easter Bunny, since there was no line. The littles weren't too impressed with him.

The petting zoo was a little out of my comfort zone with kids every where, and the animals acting a little nervous. We didn't stay long, but the kids loved seeing all of the cute goats, sheeps, and llamas.

While we waited for the egg hunt to start, we hung out in the grass with all of the bunnies. The kids had so much fun exploring, running around, and trying to pet the animals.

Perry loved watching the animals move all around her, but she would hide behind my legs whenever they got too close for comfort.

We had to get a picture of all the kiddos sitting on the bench watching the animals.

Perry and Acelyn decided to stay, so we tried getting a pic of them together. I took a quick video of the bigger kids trying to get the babies to smile.

They're seriously thee cutest baby besties ever.

It was finally time for the egg hunt, and the girls were ready to go. It went by age group, so Perry and Acelyn were up first.

I think Perry got a little confused. She put the bucket on her head all on her own.

When the hunt started, she was not having it. I think all of the people running around scared her. Chaos is not her element.

She was excited to compare eggs with Acelyn, though (and eat all of the Tootsie Rolls).

Char and Nolan were next, and of course Charley fell while running around. She had so much fun, though!

Gracie was last and is basically a pro by now. She just casually walled to the eggs and grabbed a few.

We had so much fun with the Keltons, as usual. The girls really loved the animals and playing with the bunnies, and it was the perfect kick off to Easter weekend!

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