Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Soccer season is here!

I started out the week celebrating my thirty-second birthday. I got cupcakes delivered from Lisa, followed by the prettiest flowers from my mom, and rounded out the evening with a Founder's (and Mommy's) Favorite from Waffle Love.

Tuesday was back to soccer practice where Perry hammed it up in her cutest jacket. Girlfriend was obsessed with her pockets and couldn't keep her hands out of them.

Grace's class learned all about camouflage and made butterflies to hide around their classroom.

Char Char learned more about dental health, and she continued her sugar strike (off and on).

She wrote about sharks, and I love how she spelled "oshin".

We went to Char's practice on Wednesday, and we brought suckers to help us fight the freezing cold.

The sunset was something brilliant, though.

Lately, when we get in bed for the night, Perry tells me to sit up and wants me to hold her like a baby until she falls asleep. It's the cutest, so I oblige every time (obvi).

Once she passes out, she's down for the night.

The girls had gymnastics on Thursday and Peyton joined them this week.

We watched Fleury earn a shutout in the Knights win that night.

Gracie learned about animals and how their blubber helps keep them warm. Then they experimented with ice water.

Allison and I volunteered for a Target Homelessness event at the Pro Gun Club in Boulder City with the Nevada Subcontractor's Association. We were up before the sun and had so much fun at the range.

Grace had a cheer clinic at school that afternoon, and she came out LOVING it. She won't stop asking me when she can try out for the cheer team.

She practiced them all night when she got home.

Perry also entertained us by somersaulting all over the living room.

Saturday morning, we ordered coffee, and Perry was so excited to have her own (it was really hot chocolate).

We headed to the girls first soccer games of the season, and everyone was so excited. Char was up first, and she had a great game. She was so happy to be back on the field with her friends. She's such a little ball hawk.

We got some sprinkles on our way to Grace's game.

Perry played with Ava, while Grace learned how to play on her new team. Her coach puts them in actual positions, and they alternate throughout the game, so she's working on new skills. She played well and had fun with her friends from school. After the game, she told us that she really liked her new team, which made me so happy. We loved her old team so much that I was kind of worried about her. It definitely helped that her friends from school are all with her now.

That night, we had a baby play date with Claire and Amelia. Perry loved playing with her friends, and they were the cutest.

Meanwhile, Gracie spent the evening at Jojo's birthday party with her favorite girls from school.

Sunday morning, we headed to The District for breakfast at Rachel's Kitchen, but we had to make a pit stop at The Coffee Bean first, because it's our fav.

Back at home, the girls played out front. Perry stuck to her rocks and dirt, while the girls rode bikes with their best buddies.

We had a fun week celebrating my birthday and kicking off the soccer season.

See ya next time <3

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