Last Week...

Picture of the Week: The girls are SO excited for the first Knights game sitting right behind Fleury!

This week was Nevada Reading Week, so the girls did all kinds of special things at school. Monday, they searched for worms in whipped cream with no hands.

Perry was being so silly in the bath, and kept making these funny faces when I would tell her to say "cheese".

We were singing songs before bed, and Five Little Monkies is a clear favorite right now.

Allison and I ordered doughnuts for the office staff. We got them from Fractured Prune, since they delivered via Postmates. These doughnuts were the greatest I have ever had. They were delivered warm, and they were crunchy on the outside. Just perfect.

Tuesday, Charley's class read The Three Little Tamales, and the Kinder teachers got all dressed up. They are so cute and the funnest bunch of teachers for the little ones.

The kids also dressed like their favorite book character. Charley was creative and wore a shirt that said "mermaid".

The principal came in to read to the class dressed as her favorite character, too.

Char learned about directions, and her teacher sent me this picture of Char's directions for making a pizza. Her writing has come such a long way this year, and you can actually make out what she's trying to say pretty easily.

Grace's class did contraction operation and made contraction's out of two separate words.

They had Wacky Wednesday, where we did their hair sort of silly. I thought it was funny that they chose their favorite dresses when they were supposed to dress silly.

Char's class made slime, and she wrote down some more directions.

Perry figured out that she can reach the switches for the bathroom light and fan by climbing on the chair. She now loves to turn them on and off constantly.

Grace had a pretty bad cough throughout the week. I grabbed this all natural cough syrup, and although it tasted (and smelled) pretty horrible. Girlfriend didn't cough for the rest of the day.

I took Grace and Perry to the dermatologist after Grace's birthmark opened up and got infected. They basically said that Perry's had already started dissipating and would be gone in the next couple of years. They also said that Grace's looked perfectly fine, and that they wanted to see her if it ever opened up again instead of us waiting until it was healed to bring her in. It was kind of a waste of time, but it did give us some peace of mind.

I got my nails done after work and went with the same color I had last time, because I just love it so much.

We had a full moon with a cotton candy sky when we got home from soccer practice that evening.

Charley made this beautiful picture of her hand.

Grace got to see Science Mom and watched some cool tricks with water.

We caught a gorgeous sunrise on our way to school Thursday.

It was Golden Knights day, and the girls loved wearing their sweaters to school.

Perry bathed her baby in the bath that night.

Friday was Dr. Seusses birthday, and the girls looked adorable in their Seuss gear.

We caught the Sebastians after school and grabbed a quick pic with the kids. Grace and Easton have worn their matching shirts since Kindergarten.

Since my birthday weekend was commencing, we got cookies from The Sugar Cookie (my favorite), and they did not disappoint.

Perry brought home Cat's hat, and I was really impressed with her coloring skills. Charley also drew an adorable picture of The Cat in the Hat.

I have been working from home quite a bit lately, and Perry likes to mimic everything she sees these days...which makes for lots of toddler doodles on my work papers.

We left the house for dinner, and Perry was so cute singing her favorite song in the back seat.

I wanted to go to the Knights game for my birthday, so we got tickets five rows behind Fleury, and the girls were so excited to sit behind the glass. Mom and Rick had tickets on the other side of the arena, so we met up for dinner before the game.

Perry had the coolest moves as she danced to Walk This Way before the arena opened.

She kept it going with the music theme as she got ready for game time.

We had a blast, as usual, and now we're all spoiled with these great seats.

Perry dressed herself in Grace's room and thought she looked "so pitty!".

We met lots of friends at the Fashion Show mall on Saturday morning for a Sesame Street pop-up show. Perry loved it and kept yelling and pointing at Elmo. We found out that only 60 people were getting tickets for the meet and greet, so we stayed behind when everyone went into story time and scouted out the guy with the tickets. Luckily, we all got one. Score!

After meeting Elmo and Abby Cadabby, we headed for the Disney Store where the kids ran amok and got their color on.

We left the mall and headed for Cuevas Meat Market to grab some pollo asada.

Then we headed to the Luks' for a yummy Mexican dinner complete with margaritas.

Charley took selfies on her phone, and the kids played and watched movies, while we all played Joking Hazard and snacked on more sugar cookies. We had so much fun. Game nights with these guys are the best!

Sunday morning, Perry played games on her iPad, while Daddy and I tried to sleep some more.

She napped pretty early after I gave her a bath. Since we usually do that before bed time, I think it kind of tricked her.

We met Poppa for dinner at Olive Garden to celebrate my birthday, and Perry ate her weight in pasta.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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